Robert is roaming the oceans for several years.

Info about Robert

"How far a body can drive on a windless day? I try to imagine, my head rising above the ocean as a lonely swimmer, eye level 15 cm. I need my imagination because in reality my head behind the monitor is not moving at all.

"Roaming the ocean from island to island is not like an adventure, it is much more, it is the representation of my life. I project the collected stories I will go through on my monitor. I complete the pictures just like I want it and enjoy a nice vacation. The moment my attention flags, it is time to go to another island for a new dream."

"Here on the Pacific my daily routine is ordered like a repeated pattern ending in coffee on the beach and reading at night. Even though time doesn't matter anymore I count carefully days month and years forced by the need keeping in touch with the outside world."

robert is roaming the seashore of russia now!