video web log [-\\/] video blog

12.12.00 friday bergen

I've been here for 6 weeks and the temperature has, but for one day, been unwaveringly steady between 6 and 10 degrees. Every day. Every night. . .

video on a web page is making a face with a screen in a page in a screen. This faceness, what Deleuze (and Guattari) have called faciality, is often not liked by people because they can't see the face well enough. artefacts, bandwidth limitations, crappy compressing - whatever, masks the face where no mask ought to be. people don't like it when they can't see a face that ought to be visible like a face.

then. when they can see the face. they often decide it isn't fast enough.
but faces don't need to be fast.

this applies to all our moving images on web pages. not just pictures of faces.

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