
Oppera Internettikka - Protection et Sécurité
by Annie Abrahams & Igor Stromajer
Salle Molière / Opéra National de Montpellier Languedoc Roussillon, France
December 15th 2006, 8 PM GMT+1
# First Part: Big Brother
oips-1.mp3 (11 min 13 sec, 6.5 MB)
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# Second Part: Secret Agent
oips-2.mp3 (11 min 06 sec, 6.5 MB)
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# Third Part: Total
oips-3.mp3 (10 min 48 sec, 6.3 MB)
# Last Part: Mutter Courage
oips-4.mp3 (11 min 56 sec, 6.9 MB)
"Oppera Internettikka - Protection et Sécurité" explores the poetics of a contemporary sound form -- opera as a sound event for the audience in the form of a live internet audio broadcast. In that way it combines the notion of the world wide web communication protocols and classical artspace -- an opera house. Opera is a very strictly coded form of art with a lot of passion, and internet is a lonely place of solitude and intimate communication which is becoming more and more fragile, dangerous and suspicious.
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<meta name="Description" content="Le site officiel du Ministère de l'Intérieur et de l'aménagement du territoire">
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# HTML Code Sample - www.interieur.gouv.fr
Three artists with specific roles are performing a complex structure combined of sounds, voices, noises, internet audio files and sound-manipulating machines.
(54 minutes)

The libretto for the opera is composed out of three sources -- Mutter Courage is using the texts about fear written and proposed in advance by the online visitors, Big Brother's only lyrics comes from a web search engine which he is manipulating in realtime, and the Secret Service Agent is singing the HTML source code and Java scripts from specifically selected French secret service web sites.
Co-produced by bram.org (France), Intima Virtual Base (Slovenia), Association Panoplie (France), 2006. Executive producer: Elisabeth Klimoff (Panoplie Artistic director).
Project supported by Ministère de la culture et de la communication (DRACLR), la Ville de Montpellier, le Conseil Régional Languedoc Roussillon, The Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia, Rhizome.org 2006-2007 Commissions, Languedoc-Roussillon Cinéma, Montpellier Agglomération.
