Comments on: A WOMAN’S VEIL OF PROTECTION FROM WIFI, CELLPHONES: Sensitivity to electrical appliances, electromagnetic waves… internet surfing club Mon, 30 Jan 2012 07:34:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dr Auld Dr Auld Wed, 18 Jul 2007 19:27:42 +0000 I am suffering extreme symptoms from wireless internet, any where a signal can be picked up. I get very severe sweating, rapid heart rate and dizziness and cannot usually sleep at all if I have been exposed to it for even just an hour that day. All wireless affects me, but the closer the mast the worse it is. At London School of economics, where I work part time, the wireless only bothers me a bit in the lower roomws , as the masts are at the top of the towers. Although, it is bad in some rooms. Worryingly, the worst reaction I have had was following a visit to a school for 3 hours. Even worse though, my symptoms are getting worse as I am exposed to more of it, meaning that I have to almost avoid it totally, so have to check it is not any where I am visiting or even close by!!! I have had to move house, change my work rooms and even my gym!!!!! I can tell when the wireless is on, and even where it stopped (when walking along Bishopsgate, E1, London). As well as heating me up, making me breathless and doubling my heart rate, I sometimes itch. The real problem is not when it is on though, but the insomnia, the irritability, stress, and actually mid-term depression that follows. It took me months to work out what had made me depressed, as I have not had this before. It got better after wireless was removed from my flat, but then I moved some where where thay had it next door and couldnt sleep til 3am, kept waking at 5am and got depressed again etc... Its like a form of torture. Who needs ´Al Qaeda` with this around? The Russians used similar radiation against their opponents to kill them!!!! It is madness and is every where, and people´s immune systems will probably stop working against it after 5 to 7 years, leading to cancer and other ilness. I am suffering extreme symptoms from wireless internet, any where a signal can be picked up.

I get very severe sweating, rapid heart rate and dizziness and cannot usually sleep at all if I have been exposed to it for even just an hour that day.
All wireless affects me, but the closer the mast the worse it is. At London School of economics, where I work part time, the wireless only bothers me a bit in the lower roomws , as the masts are at the top of the towers. Although, it is bad in some rooms. Worryingly, the worst reaction I have had was following a visit to a school for 3 hours.

Even worse though, my symptoms are getting worse as I am exposed to more of it, meaning that I have to almost avoid it totally, so have to check it is not any where I am visiting or even close by!!!
I have had to move house, change my work rooms and even my gym!!!!!

I can tell when the wireless is on, and even where it stopped (when walking along Bishopsgate, E1, London). As well as heating me up, making me breathless and doubling my heart rate, I sometimes itch.

The real problem is not when it is on though, but the insomnia, the irritability, stress, and actually mid-term depression that follows. It took me months to work out what had made me depressed, as I have not had this before. It got better after wireless was removed from my flat, but then I moved some where where thay had it next door and couldnt sleep til 3am, kept waking at 5am and got depressed again etc…

Its like a form of torture. Who needs ´Al Qaeda` with this around?
The Russians used similar radiation against their opponents to kill them!!!!
It is madness and is every where, and people´s immune systems will probably stop working against it after 5 to 7 years, leading to cancer and other ilness.

By: Brian Ward Brian Ward Mon, 28 May 2007 20:23:39 +0000 If anyone is looking for silver coated textiles then please let me know. I have a good selection of both knitted and woven fabrics. If anyone is looking for silver coated textiles then please let me know. I have a good selection of both knitted and woven fabrics.

By: joel joel Sun, 29 Apr 2007 21:14:24 +0000 CRAZY! A while ago I found this conspiracy site where one new age Schizophrenic describes "busting fake palm tree psychic mind towers" (fake palm tree cell phone towers). CRAZY! A while ago I found this conspiracy site where one new age Schizophrenic describes “busting fake palm tree psychic mind towers” (fake palm tree cell phone towers).

By: britta britta Sun, 29 Apr 2007 09:03:44 +0000 google tells me that swiss bobbinet is just a type of normal fabric (, and that the silver-dipped kind is a special product sold for these fears. :( i was hoping that "swiss bobbinet" was a special silver fabric that you could buy in stores! google tells me that swiss bobbinet is just a type of normal fabric (, and that the silver-dipped kind is a special product sold for these fears. :( i was hoping that “swiss bobbinet” was a special silver fabric that you could buy in stores!
