Comments on: troll club internet surfing club Mon, 30 Jan 2012 07:34:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: cpb cpb Sat, 31 Jan 2009 18:36:04 +0000 <img src="">

By: petra petra Sat, 31 Jan 2009 03:05:30 +0000 james, don't remind us. james, don’t remind us.

By: james james Fri, 30 Jan 2009 03:59:41 +0000 People are so casual about 4chan these days. I think I liked its image/brand better when it was known only to school kids and social degenerates/rejects. So you couldn't talk about it casually because the content was so disgusting/childish. But now the internet has shifted americas funniest home videos to 'soft core snuff' and 4chan is just the adjacent shade of grey in the entertainment gradient. Also, these 'Nastynets: Sundance Edition' posts seem to have a distinct lack of interaction. Image files and clever/afterthought titles might make sense or have weight within your group but as an outsider i find myself looking for your delicious page more and more. At least on delicious the context and content is the source (the link) and the reappropriation or commentary is resigned to a caption (meaning i get to play the artist). People are so casual about 4chan these days. I think I liked its image/brand better when it was known only to school kids and social degenerates/rejects. So you couldn’t talk about it casually because the content was so disgusting/childish. But now the internet has shifted americas funniest home videos to ‘soft core snuff’ and 4chan is just the adjacent shade of grey in the entertainment gradient.

Also, these ‘Nastynets: Sundance Edition’ posts seem to have a distinct lack of interaction. Image files and clever/afterthought titles might make sense or have weight within your group but as an outsider i find myself looking for your delicious page more and more. At least on delicious the context and content is the source (the link) and the reappropriation or commentary is resigned to a caption (meaning i get to play the artist).
