Comments on: Fanmail for homepage authors internet surfing club Mon, 30 Jan 2012 07:34:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: Steve DeGroof Steve DeGroof Mon, 30 Oct 2006 20:59:19 +0000 Naw, I wouldn't say I was freaked out or concerned. Just kind of surprised to see it show up in a lecture. That site's pretty much been decommisioned now, though. Naw, I wouldn’t say I was freaked out or concerned. Just kind of surprised to see it show up in a lecture. That site’s pretty much been decommisioned now, though.

By: tommoody tommoody Wed, 16 Aug 2006 01:05:48 +0000 Back in the old days of the Internet (late 90s) there was so little substance--I got addicted to this horror movie fan site, House of Terror or something like that (I'll remember it eventually). Black background, merely adequate graphics. Pre-blogging, you had to keep checking to see if the Under Construction GIF was down for your favorite movie and whether a review was finally up in the promised slot. He was gradually filling up the site with promised content, but sl..o..owly. The guy who ran it was a total dictator. He had a page where you could send him mail, but he cautioned that you should really just send him kudos and well wishes. "Don't send a review," he trumpeted. "I write the reviews." Aw, the old Net spirit of generosity and exchange. Back in the old days of the Internet (late 90s) there was so little substance–I got addicted to this horror movie fan site, House of Terror or something like that (I’ll remember it eventually). Black background, merely adequate graphics. Pre-blogging, you had to keep checking to see if the Under Construction GIF was down for your favorite movie and whether a review was finally up in the promised slot. He was gradually filling up the site with promised content, but sl..o..owly.
The guy who ran it was a total dictator. He had a page where you could send him mail, but he cautioned that you should really just send him kudos and well wishes. “Don’t send a review,” he trumpeted. “I write the reviews.” Aw, the old Net spirit of generosity and exchange.
