Comments on: YouTube “Overlay Ads” internet surfing club Mon, 30 Jan 2012 07:34:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: m.river m.river Sat, 25 Aug 2007 15:03:08 +0000 sarcasm? me? yes, but only half the day good job Tom on the talk for bringing up <a href="" rel="nofollow" rel="nofollow"></a> i think that site was/is important when thinking about about group surfin' props to all the NNers for the sleepover. hope you had a good night. some pics over at sarcasm? me? yes, but only half the day
good job Tom on the talk for bringing up 544×
i think that site was/is important when thinking about about group surfin’
props to all the NNers for the sleepover. hope you had a good night.

some pics over at

By: tom moody tom moody Fri, 24 Aug 2007 18:47:16 +0000 Since you used sarcasm about my reading skills, here's the entire post. It's pretty clear your second statement was meant to clarify the first but if you want to clarify it again that's cool. <blockquote>Just when I was starting to think about ways to use YouTube more as a site for artworks, Google decideds to go with overlay video ads Ick. Time to find a new vid site. twhid adds: YouTube has always sucked for a variety of reasons. The only thing it has going for it is a huge audience. But video quality sucks and their little bug in the bottom right sucks. I suggest! mriver adds: Yeah, yeah. I understand they do not have plans at this point to slap ads on my little home movies/ artworks - but still… it’s time for me to move.</blockquote> Since you used sarcasm about my reading skills, here’s the entire post. It’s pretty clear your second statement was meant to clarify the first but if you want to clarify it again that’s cool.

Just when I was starting to think about ways to use YouTube more as a site for artworks, Google decideds to go with overlay video ads

Ick. Time to find a new vid site.

twhid adds:
YouTube has always sucked for a variety of reasons. The only thing it has going for it is a huge audience. But video quality sucks and their little bug in the bottom right sucks.

I suggest!

mriver adds:
Yeah, yeah. I understand they do not have plans at this point to slap ads on my little home movies/ artworks – but still… it’s time for me to move.

By: m.river m.river Thu, 23 Aug 2007 23:56:29 +0000 Hey NNers. Readin' is 4 comprehension... "Yeah, yeah. I understand they do not have plans at this point to slap ads on my little home movies/ artworks - but still… it’s time for me to move." In other words...."not now, but it might be some day - but why wait for the shit to hit the overlay? But yeah, I wish it was not so". See you at the sleep over/over sleep - (the public part.) Go team NN!!!!!!!!!!! ( I have a 20 bucks on you.) Hey NNers. Readin’ is 4 comprehension…

“Yeah, yeah. I understand they do not have plans at this point to slap ads on my little home movies/ artworks – but still… it’s time for me to move.”

In other words….”not now, but it might be some day – but why wait for the shit to hit the overlay? But yeah, I wish it was not so”.

See you at the sleep over/over sleep – (the public part.)

Go team NN!!!!!!!!!!! ( I have a 20 bucks on you.)

By: tom moody tom moody Thu, 23 Aug 2007 15:57:38 +0000 <a href="" rel="nofollow">This</a> would be an excellent candidate for an overlay ticker. This would be an excellent candidate for an overlay ticker.

By: tom moody tom moody Wed, 22 Aug 2007 18:01:24 +0000 A YizooTube overlay would be fine. A YizooTube overlay would be fine.

By: marisa marisa Wed, 22 Aug 2007 17:42:56 +0000 Oh yeah? Let's see what has to say about this: Per tha New York Times , Google is ho-slappin' tha final nail in tha YouTube coffin wit “overlay ads”: …Google believes it finally has found tha formula ta cizzash in on YouTube’s potential as a magnet fo` online video advertis'n n keep its audience loyal at tha same time fo' sheezy. The company said late Tuesday thizzay afta months of test'n various video spendin' models, it was ready ta introduce a new type of video ad, which it said was unobtrusive n kizzle playa in control of whizzat they saw ta help you tap dat ass. The ads, W-H-to-tha-izzich appear 15 seconds afta a user begins blunt-rollin' a video cliznip, takes tha fizzle of an overlay on tha bottom fiznifth of tha screen, not unlike tha shot calla thizzay display heezeelines clockin' televizzles news programs and my money on my mind. A user can ignore tha overlay, W-H-to-tha-izzich will disappear afta `bout 10 seconds, or close it and yo momma. But if tha user clicks on it, tha video they were watch'n W-to-tha-izzill stop n a video ad will begin play'n� fo gettin yo pimp on. Once tha ad is ova, or if a user clicks on a box ta close it, tha original video will resume mobbin' from tha point where it was stopped. This Doesn’t matta much ta me–all mah favorite YouTubes have already bizzy deleted fo` “terms of use violations.” Really glad I made tha decision ta put only one “art video” on YT; It’s mah belief T-H-to-tha-izzat mah two heezeeed, self draw'n deer wizzle only be improved by an erectile dysfunction ad hatin' along tha bottom. [thx again GuthRie] —tom moody Oh yeah? Let’s see what has to say about this:

Per tha New York Times , Google is ho-slappin’ tha final nail in tha YouTube coffin wit “overlay ads”:

…Google believes it finally has found tha formula ta cizzash in on YouTube’s potential as a magnet fo` online video advertis’n n keep its audience loyal at tha same time fo’ sheezy.

The company said late Tuesday thizzay afta months of test’n various video spendin’ models, it was ready ta introduce a new type of video ad, which it said was unobtrusive n kizzle playa in control of whizzat they saw ta help you tap dat ass.

The ads, W-H-to-tha-izzich appear 15 seconds afta a user begins blunt-rollin’ a video cliznip, takes tha fizzle of an overlay on tha bottom fiznifth of tha screen, not unlike tha shot calla thizzay display heezeelines clockin’ televizzles news programs and my money on my mind.

A user can ignore tha overlay, W-H-to-tha-izzich will disappear afta `bout 10 seconds, or close it and yo momma. But if tha user clicks on it, tha video they were watch’n W-to-tha-izzill stop n a video ad will begin play’n� fo gettin yo pimp on. Once tha ad is ova, or if a user clicks on a box ta close it, tha original video will resume mobbin’ from tha point where it was stopped.

This Doesn’t matta much ta me–all mah favorite YouTubes have already bizzy deleted fo` “terms of use violations.” Really glad I made tha decision ta put only one “art video” on YT; It’s mah belief T-H-to-tha-izzat mah two heezeeed, self draw’n deer wizzle only be improved by an erectile dysfunction ad hatin’ along tha bottom. [thx again GuthRie]
—tom moody
