Comments on: Did you know that Robert Longo directed Johnny Mnemonic? internet surfing club Mon, 30 Jan 2012 07:34:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: tom moody tom moody Thu, 11 Oct 2007 13:50:59 +0000 There was a period where all the 80s art stars "hadda make a movie"--Cindy Sherman did Office Killer, Longo did this one, Salle did one I forgot. Only Julian Schnabel emerged with a second career from the process. I remember from back in the day that Longo did a series of abstract paintings called "the Johnny Paintings" or something like that--they maybe were used in the end credits but were certainly marketed. I don't like Longo's studio work but kind of liked JM. Seeing it recently it's interesting how much the Matrix owes it. There was a period where all the 80s art stars “hadda make a movie”–Cindy Sherman did Office Killer, Longo did this one, Salle did one I forgot. Only Julian Schnabel emerged with a second career from the process. I remember from back in the day that Longo did a series of abstract paintings called “the Johnny Paintings” or something like that–they maybe were used in the end credits but were certainly marketed. I don’t like Longo’s studio work but kind of liked JM. Seeing it recently it’s interesting how much the Matrix owes it.

By: Channing Channing Thu, 11 Oct 2007 00:34:19 +0000 Yes, because I had read the interview with him and William Gibson in Wired; I learned that Robert Longo had a device that lets him instantly print stills from his TV, and that he mainly prints stills of animals fucking Yes, because I had read the interview with him and William Gibson in Wired; I learned that Robert Longo had a device that lets him instantly print stills from his TV, and that he mainly prints stills of animals fucking
