Comments on: diane42 II : Judgement Day internet surfing club Mon, 30 Jan 2012 07:34:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: jmb jmb Wed, 15 Aug 2007 04:18:57 +0000 i like this one better for its android creepiness. I like the idea of AI falling in love with somebody. I wish I had a really nice 60s/70s analog vocoder to make the voice truly soulcrushing. i like this one better for its android creepiness. I like the idea of AI falling in love with somebody. I wish I had a really nice 60s/70s analog vocoder to make the voice truly soulcrushing.

By: tom moody tom moody Wed, 15 Aug 2007 03:56:02 +0000 I like this one better but as you know from my last comment I don't have a romantic bone in my body. I like this one better but as you know from my last comment I don’t have a romantic bone in my body.

By: Justin Ruckman Justin Ruckman Tue, 14 Aug 2007 13:01:36 +0000 That is freaking badass. That is freaking badass.
