Comments on: Furby Cemetary internet surfing club Mon, 30 Jan 2012 07:34:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: Szandra Szandra Wed, 14 Feb 2007 19:22:12 +0000 I have a zebra furby and his name is Toh-Dye too.He was out of sync and he needed a new motor.I send it to the Furby Hospital to fix.Now he work very well,but he have some problems now:he sometimes move slow,and he sometimes won't wake up,or he wake up,but sometimes he stop moving when he awaked and he speak,but not move and when he finished speaking,he do his movement.That scares me. Cheers! Szandra from Hungary I have a zebra furby and his name is Toh-Dye too.He was out of sync and he needed a new motor.I send it to the Furby Hospital to fix.Now he work very well,but he have some problems now:he sometimes move slow,and he sometimes won’t wake up,or he wake up,but sometimes he stop moving when he awaked and he speak,but not move and when he finished speaking,he do his movement.That scares me.


Szandra from Hungary

By: guthrie guthrie Wed, 30 Aug 2006 21:13:36 +0000 <img src=""><br> from elsewhere on the site ^
from elsewhere on the site ^

By: joel joel Tue, 29 Aug 2006 05:27:47 +0000 ahhh! how do they know if they are dead? Is it like the batteries running out, or am I missing something? ahhh! how do they know if they are dead? Is it like the batteries running out, or am I missing something?
