Comments on: new listening experience internet surfing club Mon, 30 Jan 2012 07:34:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: marisa marisa Tue, 23 Oct 2007 18:34:43 +0000 Oops! Forgot notes! :) here are the ones from the YouTube page: I like to make videos where there's a relationship between the song I'm shown listening to and the look of the video itself. I call this series of videos & performances Performed Listening. Here I'm listening to the Velvet Underground's song, Heroin. I made this at the Experimental Television Center, using Dave Jones's analog "colorizer." Cf my video Black or White: Oops! Forgot notes! :) here are the ones from the YouTube page:

I like to make videos where there’s a relationship between the song I’m shown listening to and the look of the video itself. I call this series of videos & performances Performed Listening. Here I’m listening to the Velvet Underground’s song, Heroin. I made this at the Experimental Television Center, using Dave Jones’s analog “colorizer.”

Cf my video Black or White:
