Comments on: indecent internet surfing club Mon, 30 Jan 2012 07:34:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: tom moody tom moody Thu, 12 Jul 2007 01:12:10 +0000 Heh--either my roaming mouse notices a link or it doesn't. My assessment of the photo wasn't far off the censorship board's, apparently. Heh–either my roaming mouse notices a link or it doesn’t.
My assessment of the photo wasn’t far off the censorship board’s, apparently.

By: marisa marisa Wed, 11 Jul 2007 20:37:59 +0000 hey, tom. i tried to be subtle, but maybe i've got sum splainin to do... click on the image for the context. a lot of times, when i post imgs, i make them link to something else. :) hey, tom. i tried to be subtle, but maybe i’ve got sum splainin to do… click on the image for the context. a lot of times, when i post imgs, i make them link to something else. :)

By: tom moody tom moody Wed, 11 Jul 2007 20:36:29 +0000 Thank you for sexing up the site! My guess is this is an art photographer who may or may not be aware of the auto-asphyxiation subtext. Thank you for sexing up the site!
My guess is this is an art photographer who may or may not be aware of the auto-asphyxiation subtext.
