Comments on: Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance Driving Directions internet surfing club Mon, 30 Jan 2012 07:34:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: tom moody tom moody Wed, 15 Aug 2007 14:54:46 +0000 Salt Lake City, Utah Promontory, Utah Craters of the Moon park, Idaho Sawtooth range campground, Idaho Ketchum, Idaho Angel Lake, Nevada (near Wells) Sun Tunnels, Lucin, Utah Salt Lake City, Utah That's a trip I did with my brother in the '80s. I still don't have a Google account so I can't create a map. Salt Lake City, Utah
Promontory, Utah
Craters of the Moon park, Idaho
Sawtooth range campground, Idaho
Ketchum, Idaho
Angel Lake, Nevada (near Wells)
Sun Tunnels, Lucin, Utah
Salt Lake City, Utah

That’s a trip I did with my brother in the ’80s. I still don’t have a Google account so I can’t create a map.

By: Peter Peter Wed, 15 Aug 2007 12:41:06 +0000 His trip was kind of more mental..... I am trying to popularize driving directions as a new art genre His trip was kind of more mental…..
I am trying to popularize driving directions as a new art genre

By: tom moody tom moody Wed, 15 Aug 2007 01:03:27 +0000 I only read the first part of the book so I didn't know he took a trip! I only read the first part of the book so I didn’t know he took a trip!

By: Peter Peter Wed, 15 Aug 2007 00:39:20 +0000 Come on guys, it's not the destination, but the journey...... Come on guys, it’s not the destination, but the journey……
