Alt.interface is a series of alternative interfaces to Rhizome's archives of text and art.

  Every Image
Alex Galloway
Every Image is a screen saver viewable from your computer desktop. It draws upon the hundreds of items in the Rhizome archive to create a slide show of images and text.
Martin Wattenberg
In Spiral, each text in the Rhizome text archive is represented as a star in a galaxy. Stars are organized chronologically and by type.
Alex Galloway & Mark Tribe
with Martin Wattenberg

StarryNight represents each text in the archive as a star in the night sky. Click on stars to create keyword constellations and access texts.
The following interfaces were produced through the Rhizome Commissioning Program. Click here for more information about Rhizome Commissions.
Christopher Fahey
ada1852 is an artificial intelligence who is merged with the Rhizome ArtBase. But if she is unable to be as dynamic and inventive as her namesake Ada Lovelace, she now seeks assistance from the user as much as the user seeks assistance from her.
  Context Breeder
John Klima
Context Breeder is a genetic algorithm and 3d interface into the Rhizome ArtBase. Users select four ArtBase objects which comprise a "gene sequence" that is added to a pool of all the sequences other users have created. Sequences similar to the user's sequence are returned and displayed, and the user can "breed" with these sequences to create new sequences. Through the cumulative affect of all user's selections and breeding choices, a context emerges organically.
Lisa Jevbratt
The Troika interfaces display each object in the Rhizome database as one pixel — the object is accessed by clicking on the pixel. The pixel's color represents the keywords that are associated with the object and the people that have requested it in relation to a specified troika — a conceptual triad such as "body, mind, spirit".

Support for the Rhizome Commissioning Program is provided by the Jerome Foundation, the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs Cultural Exchange Program, The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, the Rockefeller Foundation and by members of the community.