art theory 101~The LUFE Matrix Supplement: Examples & Proofs

The LUFE Matrix Supplement: Examples and Proofs

The distillation of System International (SI) units into more fundamentally base units of Space-Time (ST) dimensions

Short Title: The LUFE Matrix Supplement


Ó 1985, 1991, 2003, Reginald Brooks. All rights reserved

Index-Examples & Proofs-Page 7b


  • Introduction-Layout-Rules                                         page 7a

  • Index                                                                            page 7b

  • (next)Examples & Proofs                                            page 7/I/A1

  • References                                                                                 page 7c



    The LUFE Matrix Index

    I. Classical Physics
    A. Newtonian Mechanics
    1. Motion-------------------------------------------| 7/I/A1 |
    2. Mass----------------------------------------------| 7/I/A2 |
    3. Momentum------------------------------------------| 7/I/A3 |
    4. Force---------------------------------------------| 7/I/A4 |
    5. Energy--------------------------------------------| 7/I/A5 |

    B. Properties of Matter
    1. Density, stress, pressure, surface tension,...----| 7/I/B1 |
    2. Temperature, heat and particle properties---------| 7/I/B2 |
    3. Thermodynamics------------------------------------| 7/I/B3 |
    4. Wave properties-----------------------------------| 7/I/B4 |
    5. Electromagnetic charge----------------------------| 7/I/B5 |

    C. Electromagnetism
    1. Electrostatics (and definitions)---------------------| 7/I/C1 |
    2. Time independent electrodynamics---------------------| 7/I/C2 |
    3. Magnetism--------------------------------------------| 7/I/C3 |
    4. Time dependent electrodynamics-----------------------| 7/I/C4 |
    5. Electromagnetic waves--------------------------------| 7/I/C5 |

    II. Modern Physics
    A. Special relativity
    1. Space-time-----------------------------------------| 7/II/A1 |
    2. Velocity of light-----------------------------------| 7/II/A2 |
    3. Mass------------------------------------------------| 7/II/A3 |
    4. Momentum--------------------------------------------| 7/II/A4 |
    5. Energy----------------------------------------------| 7/II/A5 |

    B.Quantum Mechancis
    1. Quantization of energy--------------------------------| 7/II/B1 |
    2. Quantization of the atom------------------------------| 7/II/B2 |
    3. Quantization of wave motion---------------------------| 7/II/B3 |
    4. Quantization of particle motion-----------------------| 7/II/B4 |
    5. Other examples of quantization------------------------| 7/II/B5 |
    a. Dense matter physics--------------------------| 7/II/B5a |
    b. Plasma physics--------------------------------| 7/II/B5b |
    c. Low temperature physics-----------------------| 7/II/B5c |

    C. General relativity and beyond
    1. Acceleration-------------------------------------------| 7/II/C1 |
    2. Einstein's field equation------------------------------| 7/II/C2 |
    3. Black hole mechanics ( The Planck Parameters)----------| 7/II/C3 |
    a. The event horizon------------------------------| 7/II/C3a |
    b. Energy changes---------------------------------| 7/II/C3b |
    c. Entropy----------------------------------------| 7/II/C3c |
    d. Radiation--------------------------------------| 7/II/C3d |

    D. Cosmology
    1. Gravitational collapse (local)------------------------------| 7/II/D1 |
    2. Blackbody radiation---------------------------------------| 7/II/D2 |
    3. The Inflationary Universe Model of Guth and Steinhardt---| 7/II/D3 |

    E. Unified Field Theory
    1. Commentary----------------------------------------------| 7/II/E1 |
    2. The LUFE Constants--------------------------------------| 7/II/E2 |

    III. The LUFE Matrix on specific fields
    A. Electromagnetism--------------------------------------------| 7/III/A |
    B. Mechanics---------------------------------------------------| 7/III/B |
    C. Thermodynamics, heat and light------------------------------| 7/III/C |


    References                                                                               page 7c



    NEXT: On to Page 7/I/A1-Motion


    Page 6a- The LUFE Matrix:Geometry- Layout

    Page 6b- The LUFE Matrix:Geometry- Space or Time Axis (SOTA)

    Page 6c- The LUFE Matrix:Geometry- Space-Time Interactional


    Page 6d- The LUFE Matrix:Distillation of SI units into ST dimensions

    Page 6e- The LUFE Matrix:Distillation of SI quantities into ST dimensions

    Page 7- The LUFE Matrix Supplement: Examples and Proofs: Introduction-Layout & Rules


    | 7/I/A1 | 7/I/A2 | 7/I/A3 | 7/I/A4 | 7/I/A5 |
    | 7/I/B1 | 7/I/B2 | 7/I/B3 | 7/I/B4 | 7/I/B5 |
    | 7/I/C1 | 7/I/C2 | 7/I/C3 | 7/I/C4 | 7/I/C5 |

    | 7/II/A1 | 7/II/A2 | 7/II/A3 | 7/II/A4 | 7/II/A5 |
    | 7/II/B1 | 7/II/B2 | 7/II/B3 | 7/II/B4 | 7/II/B5 |
    | 7/II/C1 | 7/II/C2 | 7/II/C3 |
    | 7/II/D1 | 7/II/D2 | 7/II/D3 |
    | 7/II/E1 | 7/II/E2 | |

    | 7/III/A | 7/III/B | 7/III/C |

    Page 8- The LUFE Matrix: Infinite Dimensions

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