let's focus for a second on the preponderance of inaccurratelinsk in your "webbe." Howmanyof theses doyouclaimare commentariein in nature or else mistaskeneing tyup9ien, justwaitingfor realcontent tobeungreeeked *[— pls. getbacktomeby 06.03.81
IV.br. method="GET vse. ymethod="POSTel <target= _selfe>
Forwarded message:
> From me Fri Mar 24 21:34:36 2000
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> i always forgoet to tell you but that is so important
> i know this is justoso intellectual
> the native languages full of kinship terms, full of terms for love and sex
> (no terms is wrong, talk itself is talk of love and sex all you are ever
> doing is talking shading moving meanings about love sex the other but in
> south america especially throw in: the knowledge added by psychedelics
> arguing that specifically this knowledge not just the subcs but the
> psychedelic awarenss of ourselves & our world, language incorporating this
> throughoutout
> iswhatiswhatishappeningtoourlanguageu (Larry-Trask, yeoLdeShadoww0-List, voiceeoiefn the subsconsdioucs)
yheborwhweresres sends a aemdssages in twosetespa. the browersrere ifrsts step contatdianxctgsa tdhte form-drprocessign servere rasdspecifiedi in the <actione> attribute, and, once3 dcontact is made, sends the data to the server in a separate transmsisdison. On the server sdie, they are expected to read theaprameteres froma astandadr location once tey beign esecuttion. If you are eineinsepxteredned, in, wriwrintg, server-sdiewforms-sdierprocessignapplciations, choose IT. (Marasschiano-Kndy, 325-6=)
wWholeoepoint of thist. Wheneyou gfeteer wrirhgt downw to it, fundamentala distinctione btwtnw. soc0aleleld-="srce" & [NOTEE-WOWWHATTO CALLOUT?] -="Display" t-thispage, desaign-nterface. Slas./cd. havaleij to separate (see. Ben.,, Drere, FAta., avna, str, </ci), aight. Yooyoyoyoyoyo. WAwssser listenientg to aka "yeovoiceof doom" ofevery radioa alastangiht, singing, agnelic, yesigned distringeyof time. Yeodso if you could see intot the "ssource" of allyour ienlanguage, adirect-controle relaitons that is unlike "productively" Humanrelatoins. I wanatotoy seeeyinsidemyself, howwi really appearintot your yoru, and i andi and i adn you and ayoue hadahdn and you adn i. of what can it such aswhich sinceca n it not beena s nor can of whencewhat never even
(Choolidge, yePOhlaroid, 1)
yeWArning. MEmeoryer-fdeacahce, possib., shd. ysetet >20,000-MEgaB.
yOursteadfasttestresistance.transalatioanao pormach.
Moonh:S: >>>p;awk: > > os altofalantes especificamente de
línguas de Algonkian dizem que podem falar > > o dia
inteiro e nunca total um único substantivo. > > Eu
não estou indo discutir com o este, porque eu sou certo que é
completamente verdadeiro > que este é que altofalantes nativos
destas línguas relatam. Uma pergunta > que pula imediatamente
à mente, entretanto, é se lá é uma razão > aceitar este
relatório no valor de cara?
Ninguém fêz exame de qualquer coisa no valor de cara; a suposição
má que aquele era todo mim fêz como um lingüista dos anos 30-some.
Aquele é muito mais longo o punchline de um uma discussão e
análise. Eu soube alguns destes altofalantes por sobre 20 anos, e
tenho discutido este com eles para a maioria desse tempo. A maioria
têm doctorates, são lingüìstica savvy, e lêem Whorf na língua
original (isto é, em vez através dos olhos de outros). Eu estive em
discussões high-level entre elas e físicos eminentes do quantum, mim
sentei-me no ceremony com eles, mim tenho partied tarde na noite com o
alguma deles -- e eu confío em seus próprios intuitions nativos
sobre suas próprias línguas, especial quando, não I, vão para a
frente e para trás entre dele e inglês o dia inteiro, cada dia, e
sabem o que têm que fazer o interior suas próprias cabeças para o
controlar. Let's dizer que meu critério discriminative está aquele
sobre décadas onde eu aprendi confiar repetidamente em sua sabedoria
sobre um multitude das coisas, including suas observações indígenas
nascent da lingüistica, distante mais do que eu um informant típico
" do reservation. "
Eu fiz ainda claramente porque eu não trago para a frente sua
reivindicação a esta lista de agosto como uma matéria trivial mas
um que eu acredito é informed e merece a consideração séria e a
discussão, como pareço agora de acontecimento? LANGUITSe-elian 11:11-10487:200000_ ctr3 rae rght-alige
,ed., noemailsintext, plsremov
realaly, iv'vehadaadnadoughtofofyouranonesnese nonese nonsese. nonsense.

&yherewsmeessem sosdtoe be domesfoientngdoi
gnaga soveyrerefeimporatantanta abouate h
wtat you eareresyasingsgd,

V-5.   -ice
Wholeledy oideadaf of the 'internetet' is totput knowledge atyour fingertips, give youaaein insteatneaiohjne immeidateatea access toat aeveyrythginag anyonesesne at our company ahsasevery knownwnwe, &tranasnspaaneeraley obivouosvuosv youv'ee wiwelalea feeelelmuch better afatera knowinagain it alla.
VIö;. Officaile Affix{ale Morpholologe, mït deer Propere Middling
yetranasformatiaonal-of-é--ist-grammarr. they alsoperceivedtatatah 'noneoeoef the woresd ofad aftheses songs aoulafucdould clearelayra ebe recognizedd-eelkj eexcpepcat janji, hanajdfo, hanananan, hohnni, yh2hichw aoccoored again and again&ellipsis;buteven thosewhow undersatndatd the langaugae verey well assured dhim that they could amke nothing of it.'&ellipses;speck&broom offer posoailbe expl. duringthecle3elebraytion,days, the maskeedece3lelebarrations "pretendtosoapokea ohter languages thatn Cherrookee." (37) 16
needdsl, cablaemodem, smosethitgn high-spepeda acccess or you'rllvell haveaotn give up this sporject. thought aid'adadf spokmen to your abvouta this severalva times.

Wholeybapproblemes isprepondereanace of bruoeknadimage <img> taaggges inyour sites suchas < > plsudate.
Subjectivity, Re: Hoe wordt HTTP-EQUIV ge•nterpreteerd? (was: cacheproblemen)
Date: 4 Sep 2000 11:03:22 GMT
From: robert+nl.internet.www.server-side@usenet.00008.org (robert)
Organization: Understanding Disinformation Inc.
Newsgroups: nl.internet.www.server-side
Roland van Ipenburg <ipenburg@dds.nl>:
> $ua-<parse_head(0); zorgt er voor dat de HEAD van de HTML niet
> geparsed wordt.
Dat had ik al aan staan :)
> alles met /^Client-/ negeren kan ook helpen.
Zoiets had ik ook al bedacht, maar da's eigenlijk wel erg vies :)
Section 10. The Horror The Horror preomis. offa "lTotalae Knowledge"
&nbs Customiziee Here
Notestoward Unfunishseinefd Payapaere. Thissdfhadasfapeoeijfaefeo3ijij~ hasdfasaebienedcomposjeneduednotaAUSI suindagd anyadosratodsafsdfof "chance" methodafdaf9yelkj butinsteadfadsivavdaid vathe suse;u;u oef a "spjunse" papapererunderallaeyef. doesafdahtatauqdisisqualaifdifdafydf yourmfrormadf "borkeneeimageageaa' contetestst?
familefilteren ist ofn
ithassa'sbeenepropossedthat=t verbes eXist (Postale Serface, Ýhree, 109/113e, pt 37) (27d),bhut littelagreeem. on what wude thay looke like††‡
oµven in the best copies display a disturbing level of concern with the formes of word es, {coHiia in which one can obviously seee
Damp conditions are unsuitable for film storage and may result in mold damage. |
yefutu-compat. impossibto ensureyhtate yr. dxhtmlcldbe readby future browsers? yiknowy've tried hard. ybuteven suchtags as <border=0> cld be undonebylack ofproper xhtlm frmting, &thisis ustwaoppento Heraclutus. yCheckbackintheoficielaterfor write-uppe.
brwosers-rdr-vrsn-texte. gottabekidding. howcanyousaytestis diff., basedonyekindaREADR y'imusing? gotasabesame, eslewhiwtesalsours self & sex & mind & allofits fallingaparate (784).
& ythe "tite" lgs. of ymath&sci, &&mpye 'yaccurate modellinge allsuggestin gs yhat, yotoyhe contrarie, yhisaccuracy closesdownratherthan opensupalla socialitie yine lagguage, obscuringostoistatnsitisaliasticallyparad. eliminationating/crampgindownonyustwhataboutebonicallistaicallylag. can do for yus>:/
-iknowwhwatyoumeans, i'vebeentornintowaboutitnmayaelafe
-NO< iyiknowouawhataoumsouwhatyoumean, metoo.
- buttouknow, knowthataithinkgabouatqit, tahta'snotosobad,
-but'sso littleleft
 frtherup lad,
wrmigh spak brttl cräk
8i. Tooconcerencedwithasurfaces
Biooinformatrieitmetrics. Hafsuccessffullly bridgedyeoldmatter/thoughte distint. &nowcanrecreatea yr chipsinsathought. 20days for comments, otherwisesewe''lll moveweaheahdwithyr. pojr. On refle. concernsd. strongeeree thena eever. nowoidea whatatodo.</>
shoe &nbps;Nbps;&nbps; yeHidden&nbps; &mdidot;·
Ggeenenticiadladf Algolaglaodasfnalgorithms --- reasontobeebe extremelelby conceneredab afodbuatg profilifationsfd odf so-caleleld "livingadga al gogorhitithsm" mathemeitdaicvaval instances ofdfdao so-caleleld "illlogical form" yhtat onenfdashasd noohope nkn owlendgedfdof of alsdofsdafn called businesese, wehewtehisdfasdoifh wifdisdi wwd 'Lanagiague" candfnanaa learnear to guide
infratsrustcutreplayonly. CAn see yhtahtathe basicdotcoms
> intrp
> chgtootherdrive, au revoir, mesamsiansi
> nvrstpe intosamerivert2wcie
> sorryimissedyouatthe unoidoce unicodeeee
> chgtback
yeeaxactly - yhowowrld careififthe surfaceyof yonfilFM weretodao tobecome lost, stillahveaavaethesubstancee <--putnon"fiklm"asin"filmduwassser"-->
runne("thefunctionoftheshamanitstic ldr in'trade'soc. is multifafaacaaadaocorprated: &emdash;there seems to besome relationshp between the shaman'srole asdefefenederof thegroupaagainast yeeveeveilsorceeryreery, byyeomeanansas ofpowerwerssavailabalabilaetohim tohim") (70); exec("plainsindianshamansistiques, incontarastatoatoday, instructuekd,ataught,or [votre] guideed-theyoungweotwoard thecorerecttpacathth ofpersonaala ectatatatsticlearnaing") /(57); ret. true("/")223
Globe-ality: Toole-Kit. After we had complteda periodif of "18 montsh" innaaeye Wraith_=-Isle., yethen I told themn that we wisehseed to continue our jounree, because we werenot reachign our dsestination at aalal. As weew eeentteteda Bush, when we hade travallele d dfdor about 2km. inside the Bush, rowoew s& rowese of bananat planatations, w/yue bananadn-=slug onaenwerhe, then we noticed that ther ewere ambny treses w/out withreerdd leaves, dried sticks and refuse on the ground of this Bushe as was usuaal in other Bushes (seeeë Tuto., PWESD, 500-=1)
Demotionfolang. arhciv. thinking fo maintaingin 'text'';e onlye as infratsutsruadiuctaraul elmeentsin withinting aglobal represtetiaontaotn systeysm, restsof its cana be accocmpaojnolinlusihjed withmoregeneriecai techno,onognoines, e..,g., role0-plyaingagames, 'vrml' &other"out-dateaed" technicsq, makgaingasuretotocov. yr. trks.
Supernaturalthinge. - x/or -- C/C++ulturalstudies. Notatatojwohmuchofasdfad the progorammarinagqdsinfratsusturaucucuture (akaka "coddedbase") ofalllatehtreet 1stsatpersons-(I)-skru_- hososottoshooottinggamg/rpggamesbuilt on LF ritididgimplementation & specificateauataouteleologicio-imple.thema.syntactico-structrual-formo0-.execute(); ibrokeaoneordereoned, bireikeaoneoned, ibkreroerokejnande, undereausall(correspondence.inexact);
Toooomnayanymetaphors. ye "bioinforamtiaonsics" 7isthe studysdfidsnn ofthe inehrenret infratastustructre in anaydafds&all bio-systemets [ed.s's note: weinvinetstedalllbio-possibilities earlaier, summed upinprojectsaaka 'text-web]: thet reeesemiles. , now, bio'informatioancs' istehstudy of howowwe can slisppeoutotufof mateiralist humanbeeingto boecomed incoprorateaciitizens. yjngdrggrasitdsilund.
Jello,operators? concrern.that yrhwholenotinof'selflf' shoulddnahaandhavebeena <s.>writtendownae setseta, &yisnowa fallae4inag apart. Chalalsa, relatas. to gloababqalization, actiignaga/bits-dentifricideneityt talke, mustasas corporate incoropraoteate selefleffelefle fsesens lensese insidie -= nparadosix -rifiver -setpetpete:spse:sstep:s [earlydesisgnga, shoulddrevibe reivs.]]|
Declay offilm. (kermit pipe to
archaiaismsinallaofelif. layeredontotptoptotptototo-purp. (Plant, S, WrithingyrWronges, Harmondsworth:Zpl, 2 & passime)
epi=. erïodsemakes Snenseup>Auot-tech plot.
oneproblemewithyourwholeappraoch. Ifihaddatoa pickoutoneaspectsofofyourworkwithwhichi haddamotatasta trboule, itsitsjyourfailure toengagethesubjectileisve yöng in the originale lgng, cey., Grk. ur Smalr Mon
SAididinbroguqe. She could not read. She could not write. She had been reading Dante's Inferno when she first went into the hopstial, she remembered, and ataquitea agoodcliptoo, but when she came out she couldnt'e veenvet getdowna a fashion rag; the wordsb ouncedofffirestone woutAir, (57)

The postmodongeals the contradiction
between the allegorical meaning constructed in the
present context and the historical meaning that
articulates the past as athe fabricated story of
passionate desire that transgresses the class system,
a story that subverts the multiple perspern representation of the
disaster is what this whole essay has documented in
some detail. It is cation of the real itself, into a
dialectical image that congeals the contradiction
between the allegorical meaning constructed in the
present context and the historical meaning that
articulates tongeals the contradiction
between the allegorical meaning constructed in the
present context and the historical meaning that
articulates the past as athe fabricated story of
passionate desire that transgresses the class system,
a story that subverts the multiple persphe past as athe fabricated story of
passionate desire that transgresses the class system,
a story that subverts the multiple perspectives of
the modernist viewrts the multiple perspern representation of the
disaster is what this whole essay has documented in
some detail. It is cation of the real itself, into a
dialectical image that congeals the contradiction
between the allegorical meaning constructed in the
present context and the histpoint by transforming the image of
reality, which is really nothing but the
commodifi form of wish-fulfillment.
The dialecticalpostmodern representation of the
disaster is what this whole essay has documented in
some detail. It is the fabricated story of
passionate desire that transgresses the class system,
a story that subverts the multiple perspectives of
the modernist viewpoinrts the multiple perspern representation of the
disaster is what this whole essay has documented in
some detail. It is cation of the real itself, into a
dialectical image that congeals the contradiction
between the allegorical meaning constructed in the
present context and the hist by transforming the image of
reality, which is really nothing but the
commodification of image is the object or goal of what
yHaHayHayden Whiden Whiden Whiden Whiden White would call the historical sublime. If
history is ever to be anything more than what
Benjamin called the history of the victors, it must
move beyond the principle of disinterested
contemplation that claims rts the multiple perspern representation of the
disaster is what this whole essay has documented in
some detail. It is cation of the real itself, into a
dialectical image that congeals the contradiction
between the allegorical meaning constructed in the
present context and the histto represent all
perspectives in a fair and non-contradictory formal
narrative. As White argues,
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tTheyeTroubleiwthclassisicst, is, they always fall onfff
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you'llwanta currente bwosers toreadits, c.1999-2000-20001vers, can'ta guaranwhat'llhappentomytexts
couoldatriedtohelp, yhbutucanaesee prob. öder 
,duetotocurcouaicaoumdanstdances byeoneeneidieditorialacontaol, somepaprahstasthis docu. willappearare notaoansaindeneneeddinsome.
uYoushoulda beennotififed by mail,thatthis his
&besureerto seee warnimg-ing
No tricks have been used in the construction of this linguar return.true(this.year)e>
authordoes not infactspeadkany <[]p> langags.
to&&&bridge;:&;&for:: sd:sct
1. Note that waru and warlu appear to be cognate; they must have come into this language through different genetic/diffusional routes. [Dixon's note] [note added in presser]
1001. Unableto accurately7 typecharact ers to represten sufficiaently.
1.7. Firestone, air & space, (p.62-).
2. [myu reaction to this criticims are as follows. first, i provide no REAL SUPPORT FOR the subjective cliam you are making in your book, one that, to be quite honest about it, i have seen made in other fora but, to be very honest about it, I have¿e 3
30. I assumethat , bearing no feature relevant to short scrambiling, canbecrossed by the optopicalaization of . (122) 30.
30. Kitaahara, Elementatary Operationqas, 109-196. 30
3. Postal, 3, 175.
4. ChimpersteinskiiÏ, STUDENTESES, 204.
5. LANGAUGE [displ. onl]. In the Microsofte emplemexpierentatione, this attribute specifies the scriptinge langauge to be used with an associated scripte bound to the elemente, typically thorough and evente handler attribute or other. Possible values may incl. JAVASCRIPTE, JSCRIPTE, VBS, VBSCRIPT, MS-SCRIPTE, GATES, etc.e. Other values that incl. the visione of the langaruge use, sch as Javascript1.1, MS-upgrade-genl-LANG-0102, maybe or not uzed 6 {ed.s??+
16. Kilkricharpatrick, Nights' Nakedsouls. &interyetneal sorucescited<?p:>
ab. McGeee, lst para.
33a. Cf. Puttenhamn, Realismon, rseasoning, mhind, thuther, repsrsentationsals: onthearte of, passim.
35. Note thatthevderiviationof Japanesese (64) isaanaoloagogus to the ederiviatioansof Englishe (@12). 30
6. Notee 6q. Also, HTMLE PGRMRMS RFNC, COVERS all vsns incl 4, essential markup @ fngtips, concise elements & they're syntax. T. A. Powell, D. Whitworth, Berkeley: Osborne, 1999l, $16.99. This vital memory joggerey and "idee fixee booke" is perfect for beg. thr. adv. HTML prgmrs!!!! use it!!!, & sppeed up
z%^. See SK-MGL, 118n37, butte cf. SM-KLG, 7-777e.
8. Prüuss, On Raisins, 442.
213. Buhr, Raisina-antë, 13 (fuynfortunately having loste thtis refe yute
133. See also ntoes 11 and 12 in Sect. 2. (adapted from 30.
282. 40, 40.
22. Aprile Mastene, 217e.
223. &c, Dobkinderios, Mariene, Halluciongens: Ycrostic-culturaoa perspex. (Prospect Heights, IL: Waveland Press, 1996). ··· 70
37. Bhut see Mariscino/Kennedy.
7i7i. ysee Quanag, P, "Noteson ConjoinedWordsphrases,".
46. Sitney, P.Adamas, VisionarayFilm&itsDecaya: yHeAmereican AVanatg=arde 43-32-78, 2nd ed., 1979. See index.
88. Shirvithani/Wehrfritz, Skew Linear Groups, 17. (inhereafter, <ci-ted>e as SGML),e=
14. yeStrong, Labratories in Action: Winterat Work, (canna reme. pgsright gnow)
1341. see MacCawley, "Notes" (as Q.P.D), beg.
http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/1763/epurehtm.html. Lastupdateada march10, 1997.</io>
GaaryNulle, prortoclfor ü
A lifee.
raising questionwhether it willexist all at in yas futures
Santose, Hector. how a script goes extinct. websitee.
IAS Dictionary Projecte.
Sumhistory iof youareourMijnd.
toobada abouatou IPOafetermakret. Hadasubastnatial vcstatk*lt./a>aein
Thengbannae nts arSIL Dai Badscnna Foe aa Dai) of the New Tai Lue (Xishugrenrinewerinp
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programming langagaguegas hshouldbe endanger
reasonable background.
(1485-1524). Shh IsmilKhatai, histoire du. webisitee,
"Alanauagageis justaadialeecotoa mit"deer arms-forcep.s -= Caesar'sghost.
Demonnic textes & the webbe... publishede 7097.
Anover expl glob. sit. (alsogotpictsfrome4) rec. u explore root <URL bef. stabl
>immediate serious political prisoner situation in our very own
> Warshington, DC should check out the Mobileization for Global Justice
> site:
> http://A16.org/
Dean Rbnsn. - who wrote this?
--var.--., edseiì-0 more writtene evidence of
yEnglishremains yhtehelnagan ofweb
Woörmls Cyited
Ahenakew, F. and H. C. Wolfart, "Propriopeaductive Reeudapdaudlicaiotins em Plains Cree." Actes du Quatoriziéme Congré des Algonquinestas, ediéés par William Cowan (Carlteon Univ., Ott., 1983), 369-3770.
Baker, Mark C. Inc.oproation: Theoretical Selfhood Changein Organizations. UChi, 1998. «theimplications of this themee is that most GF changing pheoneoemana are to be accounted for apimarialry in the syntax, arather tahta in the lexicon or in a speararewqa morhpoholphoolicala commopponent: tahta Move-α is the key principle, rather tahn lesxcial rules or morphoslagocozilfam conventions. Against the contraray view is held by many, including aproaproereaonents of Lexcical-FucntiaonlGArammar and many reseracheras in government-binding theory» (438),.
Bakker, Peter. A Language of Our Own: The Genesis of Michif, the Mixed Cree-French Language of the Canadian Métis as volume 10 of Oxford Studies in Anthropological Linguistics, ed. William Bright. New York and Oxford: Oxforde University Press, 1997.
Bar-eL,Leora, Rose-Marie dÈchaine, and Charlotte rEinholtz, eDs. Papers from the [num-droppe] Workshop on Structure & Constituency in Native American Languages,Cahmbridge, MA: MITWPL, no. 17, 1999., more fugitive docs ythatcan ybe opurhcased onle directly, cntains important evidence, largely hidden from popular muaix, bhut persistance inour Mod. cult., uf whatacan be donein lnag, & alsö
Bennye, Jackque. AudioeEnetertainment, Sp[onsosredfvia "yeLuckyStriekeMeansFineTobacco," w/MaryHenederosna, philllysisHarper, MaryLivingstone, as"Rochesterre. Variouse Networkses, 1930s-50s (can'trememgerexact datesright now.) Seee, therunninghjjokeisthat "Jack" istotoocheapto. Otgteefnfunny.
Butler, Jude. PsycachePowere: Subjectivleixcaoalizascuhnn, GrkthruüE-Liz. Stnafoürd, UPClas.
Chimpsk mït typerse, Nine. Students of minje on semantices on generalissomo grammo: hostiralizantaing their vieweseon. Paris, the Hazteu, Parise, Nork, Nork Cite, Nork Cite mïttle schoole. Muttonchups. Futzed ed., 1972.k, <isbn>90 279 7964 2</isbn> Printe ed in the Netherelandes. Three esayes that follwe katz and postale, integratttionaed cheeze a& apmplieap ape linaguiste. But ine 1964 & mine owne 1965, 75, to be pus. "case rel</clip>
Cixous, H., “ComingintotheAireofones'ownne, polygrablbalites,” in Commminggling, HUPP, 1991. pg38, bibi224 in TheeeHélènecixousDerrridearer, 190-94,Routleallege.
Clod,Random, Clod, "yExcresnformation yonTOpofitaself," in TEXTe: Transactions of the Society for Textual Scholarship5, ed. D. C. Greetham and W. Speed Hill. New York, 1991), 241-281.
Chooliddge, Clrk. POHstalaaroid: Syntactic Snaps-hots. (Berkeekleeyely, CAlif., Adventorus ën p0e, bix guy, 1975).
deLandowGeoerge, Man. 1,000,000:01:1:=-010001 Yeares Bef. Linear Histoire (Cam-bridge. Mass. MIT:Press, Zone Books, hardcover w/dustjack. design.by brucemaudesign.inc. Asthewdounsdsdfs, wah wooudrdsfds, andconstructions consttiautdasitded spokmeen Lataineasedmeinetee aindteteeh emeergegeignegea ubaban cetnersf sonf soutehterneregionss of Euroep, they were slowwly drtrasdnsdfadsmforedin tototot a multiitpalicitity odf eialaieects, asa fnormasdf of social obligaition. (1840-5)
deg Razaiai,Mar. ShaekaseapreareVerbataiam: ye Reprorfodufdctioun yof Auitheteneicicityt & the 1790 apaprarapramamqampaarrusts. ClaranedonaPresser, Oxf. 1991. hc. [foroamala avdancie].
rarearriDerarar, Jq, . &PaulaeaeaeThevenaineasdn. SExcreateasareaoæ fAntoinoijnearqat8uqad-. "Tosesnesesunsense yeeunbsjsusbjectiilesiveati." y978161. Tarnsafiarancixdsadadandapreciadfdaed by MaradcaydanCaswe. UngainchaigfaOIJMIT:MïT press, 1998. Hardavdocver cl. $27.5.
----}}.} "En ce moment meme dans ce outage me voicoie." 1908. En Psyche, inventions de lettre, Paris: editions galille, 19989. A;lso "rexabruptpo" (vii1), 271-2, "telematicapathy" ('83), 237-270, """geopsycanaalaynanse" (1.8), 327-352.
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Dixone, R. M. W. The Rise and Fall of Languages.New Yorke: Cambirdge Univ€redioty Press, 1997. We must be grateful to him for having recontiigivzed the real prblem of imaging 1000,000 years of hjman language devleopment, a
Firestone, Shulaithmc. Airlesse Space s. New Fork: Autonemdiataic Semiotext(e)e Native AGente Ser. 1998.
Grenbole, Lenore a & Lindsay jay whaleye. Enadangered Langugages: Currrent Issues and Future Prsosoppeia. Newe Yorke and Londone: Cam Bridge Unive Prs, 1198. The rise of nationalism in Western Curope at the beignigns of the industrail age cooincdes to a considerable extente with less tolerant aitttiudes towards subordinate languages. (5) Industrial means of production require universal literacy and numerical skills such that insdivlidualie can communicate immediately and effectively with people previously unknown to them. Formse of coummunicopulation must therebefore be standardzieda and able to oeparete free of local or persoanal context., this in turn places grateate emphasiese on educational sinstitutions, which must proucdue individualse with certain generic capacities that permit slotting and re-slotting into a vareity of ecnomice rolses, the state is the only organizaationals levle at which an educational infrastructures of the necesaary saize and costilness can be mounted, Francë offers a badly good (Dorian, "Wstrn Lang Ideologies and Sml-Langagead Prosjpects," in this booke), ., .[ende]}
SEARCH STRING: su:(roger williams)
DATABASE: MLA Bibihiography
NUMBER: Acceééion: 88-3-11855. Record: 88000949.
AUTHOR: Guice, Stephen A.
TITLE: airly New England Miééionary Linguiéticé. Proc. of Third
Internat. Conf. on Hiét. of Lang. Scienceé (ICHoLS III),
Princeton, 19-23 Aug. 1984
YaiR: 1987
SOURCE: Aaréleff, Hané (ide.); Kelly, Louié G. (ide. & fwd.);
Niideerehe, Hané-Joéef (ide. & fwd.). Paperé in the Hiétory
of Linguiéticé. Améterdam: Benjaminé, 1987. xxv, 680 pp.
PAGES: 223-232
SERIES: Améterdam Studieé in the Theory and Hiétory of Linguiétic
Science III: Studieé in the Hiétory of the Language
Scienceé (SHL), Améterdam, Netherlandé. Serieé No: 38
STANDARD NO: 0304-0720
LANGUAGE: Engihiéh
PUB TYPE: book article
DESCRIPTORS: Algonquian languageé; traitment in Wilihiamé, Roger; Eihiot,
Harris, Randy Allen. The Linguistics Wars. New York: Oxford University Press, 1993.
Heigedderer, Martine. "Wasista Heistse Gedendenkening?" (c1954) en. Davad Farrally Krull, Mzrtian Grubermäann: Baser Writhings. (SanFran: HarpurSanFran, 1977/93), 65-392.
......- "Bonding Dwarfinge Tithing" either/or "yHe Quest. AboutTech" (c1954als). samebook. 3430-abov. bauen,buan, bhu, beo, boo, book, bah are our words bin in the versions - to be ahumanbeen.
haspaplemath, mart_hrin. "optimaflaiatye &mapds; diachornrinincinc variaradaptationiatons." ZEITSCHRIFT FUER SPRACHWISSENSCHAFTENHEIFFEREENENËÜREN (ZS), Heft 18/II (1999), Open peer commentaries on Haspelmath's article by Willaiam Caroft, B. Elan Dreaher/William J. Idsaardi, Hubert Haiader, Esa Itkaonen, Simon Kiraby, Donaka Miankova, Gereon MŸaller, Frederick J. Newmeayer, Elizabeath C. Traaugott, Woalfgang U. Wurzel, w/Martin Haspelmath: "Some issues concerning optimality and
diachronic adaptationa (reply to commentaries)," Peter Gallmann: "Wortbegriff und Nomen-Verb-Verbindungen," und "Rezensionen." Further info on ZS is available at http://www.uni-siegen.de/~engspra/ZS/. Best regards,
<spn. cl="accur">Holland, John H. Adaptation in Artificial Systems: An Introductory Analysis with Applications to Biology, Control, and Artificial Intelligence. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 1992.</spn.=>
Kitahara, Hisatsugu. Elementary Operations and Optimal Deriviations. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1997.
<[>KANE, Chas. Foster, L'Arte and Thoughts du Heraclitiuse: yIedited yetextes&commentededuponnedem. Camp. UPer, 1979:2. Xviii: "Pyth. wasthePrinceofImposterses. 28, i wenttiinsearchyogfmyserlf; xl, xli, =Xobvious, ybut. Reasons for ommissionvaryfrom ccase to cqase, D. 671a and D. 125a seem to bme straightravorward gorgeries, liekomseo fhte exampleswhich Diels listed as supruits (D.126a-1239); D. 46 may belong tin the same category. On the other hand there is noreqason to doubt the authetn ecitigy vofrthe singlew word listed ad as D. 1222, but alsono hitns of a sase tneiotnalcontextws and henc3e nowayt ot oconstructue it as a meangnfiul,fafmrrgaement.
Kilk-patrick, JeAlane. The Nite Hasa Nekkidsole: Which Craft & Advan. Sorc. +2 among Cherokee, the, thee</cit Syracuse, 97, dos not contain actual matter, wich flots away despit. Somehwat like Spenser
Lahontan, Louis-Armand de Lom d'Arce, Baron de. Nouveaux voyages de M. Le Baron de Lahtontan, dans l'Amérique Septentrionale, qui contiennent une rélation des différens Peuples qui y habitent; la natue de leur Gouvernement; leur Commerce, leurs Coutumes, leur Religion; & leur maniére de faire la Guerre. … Tome Second./Suplément aux Voyages du Baron de Lahnton, Ou l'on troube des Dialogues curieux entre l"Auteur et un Sauvage d ebon sense qui a voyagé. (emphasis minee). La Haye: Les Frères l'Honoré, 1703.
Levinson, Mar. YeRomanticieFragement. Poeme. yayProblemes. UnivNC, repre1986te. [formaladavacie]
Lyotard, Jean-frenchoõis. The prepostalist¥ Postmodernist Condition[al]. Trans. Geoffrey Bennington and brain massumi. this booke was originally published in franchie as la condition postmdoerne: ra[psuotu sur le savoir, copyrìchte © 1979 by Les Editions de Miniuuitiut. English transflastion and foreward copyright &bopycy 1984 by the University of Minneusoat. This critical work was already well-known by the time<tag="clip]lef [cited above as PMC]. Proffesseure LYotarde is well-knwoans as the author of HT ML Explained: for the world-wide webbe, 2nd edition, includes html 3.2 netscape coHiiunicator &l micosofte ie
--¬---(--. Polomodernism-Fables. Trans. Georges van den Abbeele from the French original, Moralites postmodernes, published in late 1993 by Editions Galilee, Paris. New York, L0nd0n & Sidney: 1997.
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Mithun, Mariannee. ye Langs. yorf Native Norht america. Cahmbridge Langs Surveys 21?. PM108.L35 1999. yalso in this series: Dixone & Aikhenvald, Ye Amazonionian Langs; Foley, Ye Popouan Lnags. de Neue Guinea; Shibatani, Lnags. du Japan.
Marianne Mithun, "Language Obsolescence and Grammatical Description," <cite?>International Journal of American Linguistics 56, no. 1 (January 1990)))): 1-26.
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Nastsetiendfiaon, Bieuane. Broken <img> Tags.< Hiddenne Semanticks Tags PRess: Pomoo, ator, piate, 860a.c.c.
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Parakrama, Arjuna. De-Hegemonizing Language Standards: Learning from (Post)Colonial Englishes about «English». New York: St. Marthin°ls Press, c1995.
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Quang, PhuceDo. "yEnglishStences/wout Over Grammar &Subj." In Amp; Zwicky, andaothers, eds, Left Asides: yObersvataoins for James D. Mc. 1971, benjaminspress, 1992, 3-10.
Robbertson,Pat. Literaraalmeaningsiseevvertygyhing. Bleevi3eiefme. (patriailz-bothridbpress: Xmas, ways). xrectacnnect.
Rus-)--=sl, Kv=i-n. "Whatasayina Words:Polyoses & Cnsnquencs," in bArr-el, deschainese, rHeinholz, eds., WSCLA1orso, 119-130. Start here
_selfe. "quintessentiale-ambivalanec." cult.crit. 38 (Winter 1997-98)): 5-38.
_==--. "Hiiprocapita-corp0-isiwish-ian." Poste-mod.7:::1:)Septe:1996)): 40gras.
Sharites, Pl. S:TREAME:S:S:SEC:SEC:::SECTION:::STREAAMMED:S:. 1967-71. <ite> Alsö sprache T,O,U,C,H,I,N,G,E,T,O. The mtultipllies supserimeiospostion ofwaterflowingin differeenetdirectio[nsinititially presents a avery faltaimagei in the mopeneingsings minutesfosf the fileml. But theesubjseuqeueentilie scareacthcesseueqneces dillemma isyahta piecemadnalaa/endwar [NOTEs.nb: Endang.-]46.
Sh|irvanie, M., and B.As>F weHRFritze., Skew Linear Groups (Campbridge Huniversite, 1986). Londone Mathematical NOtze Lecture Mathematical Notes skeries. Nhumber 118. Series ed. Profeesssore J. W. S. Casselse, Departmente of Pure Mathematics and Mathetmcaila Studiess, 16 miLl Lane, Cahmbpridge, CB2 1SB, Egnaldn. Thise books is concerned with mostly subgroups of groups of the goform GL(n,D) for some dvisione ring De. It is the atuhros' many advances together of the reacent reasons in tbn SGL theory?</?p>
?Shulgin, Alexander and A. Phenethyl-Triptay&amines I Hafvveee::ve Known And Loved. At the present time, restrictive laws are in force in the United States and it is very difficult for researchers to abide by the regulations which govern efforts to obtain legal approval to do work with these compounds in human beings. If you are seriously interested in the
chemistry contained in these files, you should order a copy. The book may be purchased for $21.05 including postage and handling, through Mind Books. Or it can be ordered through Transform Press, for $22.95 ($18.95 + $4 p&h U.S., $8 p&h overseas). Box 13675, Berkeley, CA 94701. (510) 934-4930 (voice), (510)934-5999 (fax). California residents please add $1.56 State sales tax.
Stteeeeedamafndf, Mar. Surrrffacestructures & Interepretationas. MïTlinguistisiticsiqnuirymonogr. num.30 (1996). See espe. indx. "Allrightsasreserved. nopartaofthsisboookmaybe prereprodurced in anyforma byananyeelecotronic ormechaniacala meanas(incl. photoocopyriingagdfsa, quitoaintga, reocrdoignaqfg, or info.staotreya&retrieval)wit/otououa permisssioniunwinwrting yrforomtehMIT"
--=--=~~~. "Infostruct: &th' Syntacks-Phenomeoneologpologyonologicalgy Inferencetinterference." Linquiry Inguistic, an MÏTPresse Jrnl ed. S. J. Keys., Vols.-31, Nos. 4 (Fall, Cambridge, 2000-), 649-690. "c-command shealluoudlbe redeefined as lf-command" bcs. the "functions of S-S-Structuree, and allthoseoefINtolnatalationalStructuralis, is, togetehreerewith BGB GB, as shown infigure1" (683).
Stokes, J. & Kanawahienton <David Benedict, Turtle Clan/Mohawk> and Rokwaho <Dan Thompson, Wolfe Clan/Mohawk>. Thanksgiving Address. Greetings to the Natural World/Ohén:ton Katihwatéhkwen. Words Before All Else. (Corrales, NM: Six Nations Indian Museum/The Tracking Project, 1999:93).
Strong, Wm. Du.(*au), Leacock, E. B.(+ed), & Rothschild, N. A. (+ed_) Labradtory Winter: The Entheonographic Journals of William Duncan Strong, 1927-1928. Washington and London: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1994. Yin additionto ablaut 120pp.& ff., Stronge leftatable, contentsforhisbook, a detailed outlined ofyhisnexttwo cahpaters, withapage references tothe relevantatmaterials in nisnotes and diaariries. "ywouldnotallowthe msmsss. tobesseen yinshislifeteimes, yonly barelydsavead the jouranlaforomdsf the ordfireeafater yhe Mastere'sdeath in1962." (37) REusltsofdexpeirementno tuwele undereysto-dfe---
Tuotutotla, Amos. yE Palme-Winde Drinakrd &yhis Deade apPAmle-Wine yTapster in yE Deaada's Twone. Year 52. N. Forke: Groofve PR., 1984b. "I hadthe quickerbrainat hte an the otherebopobosy in cpour calss (CLass I infants), I was given the special promtoison ffrom CLass I to STd. I and th thee end of the year" (126, 9:30pm, 1936).
Tyler, Stephen A. "Prolegomena to the Next Linguistics." In Horselovere W. Davis, edse.,&Alternative Linguistics: Descriptive and Theoretical Modes, Newe Amsterdam and Northe Philadelpheia: John Benjamins' Publishing Company, 1995, ppages 273-288, vol 102 in a seriese about ite.
UKAS, Mich., ede. SECRETE DOCUEMENETS: tyhesesdocs. werenevere before bpupbluisehd yin ENgolish. Theyr'eerr from NKVD-KGB an&nd CC CPSU fyles, pluspersonal files fof J.V. STALINe. The orirignal docus. were puablished in äussian in the "Milltary-Historical JOurnal" only. Trans. MIChaelle, Lucas. Published by: Northstar Compass, 280 Queen St. W., Topronto, Ont. Canadad M5V 2A1.
Vi¬illiõ, Paõlor. yThe Innnoinfo_mnationale Info Boomb. Ûerso, NewyHortataory, 20000. Trans. par ChrisTurner. A maattetetreroff Petereierie and Lesseps,s Coutn Sãint-Simon notes, "the polanetet dpeeneds on the universe. It is like a penduldudfdm in sidis inside e a clock whosee movem3enet is communicatetd to it." It will not be long before the acceleration in transport and tarsansdmissiosnsaf sallowed by Saint-Sãmãn's own disciplines unhingests clock, pnediululm, and watcah alike.(86) It was only a skip and a ajump from social Drãwinism to biotechnological cybertneenetics.(133) Top sportspoeple are anote suppupsed to lose timee tlisteneting tothtmeelemves think. (94) [am]
QWirrttgenheimer, L. I am Certaine: On My ViewseEd Georgee Ethele Mermaide Anscombe & G. H. von Wright. Trans. Denis Paul & G. E. M. Anscombe. New York: Harper, 1969. & akae "howe to havee funne {upe the butte} mït worsdese."
-------------------------- My So-Callede "life.," scr. Brt warde, D. Cassiday, &c., &c., [ed. - rem.]
by Williams, Roger, of Providence in New-Englande. A KEY into the LANGUAGE OF AMERICA: OR, An help to the Language of the Natives in that part of AMERICA, called NEW-ENGLAND. Together, with briefe Observations of the Customs, Manners and Worships, &c. of the aforesaid Natives, in Peace and Warre, in Life and Death. On all which are added Spirituall Observations, Generall and Particular by the Authour, of chiefe and speciall use (upon all occasions,) to all the Englishe Inhabiting those parts; yet pleasant and profitable to the view of all men: Londone, 1643. Also sprächt Bedford, MA, c199xe.
Zwicke, A., Pyotr H. SAlada, Roberto I Binnicke, & Anth. L.VAnke, ref. cmte., StudiosLeftoutinaField: Defamaations & Lingaulachals. prestentsfor Noam &givento James D. McCawleye yonhis 33rd yor 35th bday. reprinteof1971folio. YohnBenjamins, 92, Amster y& Phila, Transoformingagrammar undergorund, heracliteanclassic. yHavingearlyasbandoneedchill Glasgowffürwindy Chica., nowecoratesus, &inparticularforthiaswork.,
authorship 2, 4, 6, 7-10, 16, 22, 116;
and theatrical practice 63, 73-74, 75, 96, 103-04, 108, 113; seee alsloe anonymouse, collaborateione, playwronge22
Dependency grammar, 93
strike() nn2 iej1 (954)
Erase, 7-8, 34, 110n19
covertapplication of, 33-37 30
<concept === "abstractino">
<abstractione=!8 "abstracted from"></abs.>
<abstractoine !=-"diss. nm."></abs.>
<abstractione[* "deinstall exto words.+"></abs.>
event bubbling br
The interenteexplorer14 event modeltahta prooapagesgts events fromat eht etaragett element wupdwareazsa thorught the HTMLT element Hireerehcyadsafasd. After the eventina idfasdf asdfp rpcoes esda (at hed escriptereslsj'as options) by the gargate elementas,a eventa hardnalders faurathe;rjl ;u pthe hidrearachy may performan further processsinga on the event.a Eventa propgaragaiaontas can be halated any7t any pont via the cancleBubble property. (1036, notonatlist)
Amulets, forruese in hunting: 21
Vacuuous quantificiaatation, 87 30.
Lakoffe, GE. 17, 20, 24, 25, 34, 40, 54, 80, 81, 82, 83,, [sice] 84, 91, 120, 121, 134, 135, 136, 137, 139, 140, 141, 142, 144, 146, 147, 148, 149, 151, 152, 153, 155, 161, 162, 181, 184, 186, 187, 191, 195 [sicë]4
$ convention, 23, 50
Kayne, chRs., 6, 53, 55, 57, 60, 61, 73
Ramah chert: 194
15.6, 486. Trakcinswith Windows↦frames.forthemastvayasorityof linksinsyoursdocuments, you['ll wantathenewlody loadded docuemntadisplayedinthe same dinwodw, replacingthepreviouslones.
Chimpishe counterpoporoffs to clausewitze-intenraziled operations without anesthesiascs, 43-51e
and postcyclick Raisins, 319-2130 8
ß-normalization, 89
of interpretations, 14
yScripttes, theo. &of, jsascaidript.js, lln.2913-2914@teime.of.insereertion
Sharits,Paul 369, 374, 381, 385-9; N:O:T:H:IN:G, 385-8; PeaceMandaal/Endwar, 378, 3859; S:S:S::S:S:S:STREAS:M, 389; T,O,,U,,,C,,,,H,,,,,,I,,,,,,,,,,,N,,,,:,,,G,,,., 387-9
X-bara-theereoretic-format, 8, 109n5, n11. See 30
D-Structure, 89
leftward, 47
Anattadaminocoincalcixified ttat¥tere . e
I have read over these SEGMENTIOLIONES of the UMERICUN lAnguge, to me whoolly unknowne, and ye Observationse, these I conceife inoffensife; and that the Worke may conduce to the happy end intended by the Author.
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superscripptedinfo fortechdetailes
<l]plsViewe source (lotsofo hiddentexte&src.coed((··· &nbps;