Physical Activity

How Can You Help With Physical Activity?

Children on a Playground
Set a good example for your preschooler; they look up to you

You influence your child's behavior, attitudes, and future physical activity habits.  Set an example by using safety gear, like bike helmets.

  • Make physical activity fun for the whole family and involve your children in the planning.
  • Focus on fun, not performance.  Not all children are natural athletes.  But all can make activity a lifetime habit.
  • Learn more about your own physical activity needs. 

There are many activities you can do with your preschooler.  As children grow, their motor skills and coordination improve. Here is a general guideline of when your preschooler may be ready for certain activities:

  • Age 2:  running, walking, galloping, jumping, swimming with adult help and supervision
  • Age 3:  hopping, climbing, riding a tricycle or bicycle with training wheels and a helmet, catching, throwing, bouncing, and kicking a ball
  • Age 4:  skipping, tag, sledding, swimming, obstacle course
  • Age 5:  riding a bicycle--wearing a helmet, somersaulting, rollerblading or ice skating, gymnastics, soccer, virtual fitness games (such as Wii)

When the weather doesn't cooperate, try indoor activities.