


  3/23/11 8:06 am

I was just standing there all “can’t wait to reverse the shit out of this later” then got home and spent like 20 minutes in Imovie trying to do it before moving onto Final Cut Pro. After I finally compressed it realized I forgot to reverse the shit out of the audio too, but thought instead of waiting another 15 minutes staring at compressor that I would just go ahead and post it to my flickr account, which I think made more sense then vimeo cause what it lacks in def it makes up for in shear “check out how badly I wanted this!”

  3/22/11 5:04 pm

Early Trolls and Protomoticons

Early Trolls and Protomoticons, from The principles of computer networking, by D. Russell (Cambridge University Press, 1989 - 513 pages)

Cf. The principles of computer networking, by D. Russell (Cambridge University Press, 1989 – 513 pages)

  3/12/11 9:08 pm

LEDs On Front End On 07 Suzuki Burgman 400

  3/7/11 7:48 pm

  3/6/11 1:55 am

broken iphones

broken iphone

  3/1/11 7:17 am