
chris ashley a la bloglines

chris ashley in bloglines

  4/18/07 10:42 am

Chris Ashley, Untitled, 20070416, HTML, 300 x 200 pixels

  4/18/07 9:29 am

Chris Ashley, Untitled, 20070415, HTML, 300 x 200 pixels

  4/18/07 9:28 am

LOL, Lotus Notes

The White House now says that it may have lost millions of emails due to switching from Lotus Notes to Microsoft Outlook.

  4/13/07 11:54 am

netflix rotting people ad

netflix rotting people

  4/12/07 2:07 pm



no idea if this tape is any good–image posted because of some earlier back and forth about that “skull.”

  4/3/07 4:12 pm


revs installs a sculpture: [YouTube] (thx dave) (update–and thx kottke)

  4/1/07 11:33 am


let's surf

  3/28/07 5:38 pm

work it

“Work it baby!”

  3/27/07 6:50 pm

programming language hierarchy

programming language hierarchy (pdf) (via jB)
that’s me at the bottom of the chart

  3/15/07 10:38 am

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