
duct homunculus

duct homunculus hanging

  10/15/06 3:10 pm

A quick surf around the deviantart Pixel archive



  9/24/06 7:53 pm

another demonstration–I forget what


  8/31/06 9:06 pm


Spinning flash “surveyor dude” in British Columbia. (via Sally McKay)

  8/30/06 8:23 pm

Unicorn Hard-on Update

Unicorn Hard-on Drawing

Unicorn Hard-on (via Travis)

Some new songs and GIFs up, plus a YouTube noise festival video with a room full of guys rocking out to her music–she starts playing a song I really like at the end and then the clip abruptly stops.

  8/29/06 10:34 am

zombie garden sculpture

Zombie Garden Sculpture

Order yours today (via schwarz and others)

  8/27/06 10:11 am

Rauschenberg, Pelican

rauschenberg pelican

Just finished reading Calvin Tomkins’ bio of Robert Rauschenberg, Off the Wall. Rauschenberg is a god of mine. A complete artistic wild man–a force of nature. He channeled chaos and the irrational and somehow processed it into very beautiful art. In the above performance, Pelican, he made these circular sail things for his and the other male performer’s back, and the two rolled around on roller skates with a famous ballet dancer of the time. At one point the two men lifted her off the floor and carried her around while they were skating. It all seems very elegant in this black and white photo but if you think about it, it’s just nuts. He had this uncanny sense of “fuck it, let’s try it” and more often than not made it work.

I forget where this picture came from–some Rauschenberg site.

  8/24/06 9:29 pm

title unknown


from my eyebeam reBlogging days (2004) …the caption is “Fresh Stuff…from Kryot.” the link to Wooster Collective is dead so that’s all I know about this image.

  8/24/06 9:05 pm



  8/15/06 7:13 pm


I opened my “GIFs” file and this was the first thing in there. So I uploaded it. (It’s a “found”–i.e. scraped LJ image.) Thanks for inviting me, all.

  8/12/06 1:17 am

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