
Yahoo Pipes

fun with rss feeds

  2/12/07 10:18 am

understand the nature of creation and your purpose in it




REMEMBER: The Earth, as a living organism, has chakra centers.
They link with major grid points [meridians] based on sacred geometry!!!!!

understand the nature of creation and your purpose in it!!!!!

hope everyone has a good week!! remember to work on this stuff!!! 8)

this post took FOREVER lol

  2/12/07 1:19 am

Cat Bus 1-4 by Anthony Leslie

My incredibly multi-talented friend Anthony Leslie just put his MS Paint cartoon series up on YouTube! …be sure to watch them all… oh my god how I love these

  2/12/07 12:16 am

Harrison Ford Rock You IMDB slideshow

| View Show | Create Your Own

  2/11/07 4:43 am

Requiem for Vicky Lynn Hogan


  2/11/07 12:57 am


hi guys —

for my first post i guess don’t wanna set the bar TOO HIGH right?!?!!! :) so here are my fave sock gifs/jpegs of the week:

  2/9/07 5:06 pm

fibersure gifs

fiber sure giffiber sure gif

  2/9/07 1:36 am

Real nerds (fake nerds)

banner ad from our hosting service..

  2/8/07 1:36 pm


In case you were wondering what that transcendent feeling you just had was all about, I will explain.

I have taken the liberty of tagging all of your del.icio.us bookmark collections with your full name, thereby elevating your plane of existence to one of puremetadata.

Imagine the possibilities…..

  2/7/07 10:01 am

  2/4/07 3:15 am

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