
Michael Snow’s “Wavelength” using the Ken Burns Effect

[inspired by something Mike Chang said to me..]

  12/15/06 5:16 pm

Reunion 2005

  12/2/06 12:28 am


  11/26/06 7:38 pm

Captcha from Google

undies!!! From Google’s otherwise humorless automatically-generated robot stoppers (which only accidently make English words..)

  11/17/06 12:14 am

GettyImages video search: “artist looking at camera”

OK, forget YouTube, GettyImages has the wackiest videos I’ve ever seen — I’m totally hooked on stock footage. I just started to get savvy with their keywords (all their videos are meticulously categorized with marketing phrases like “Multi-Ethnic Group” or “One Woman Only”). I present my favorite search so far: “artist looking at camera.” So much fun imagining how these fit into commercials…

(…and the huge GettyImages watermark across the middle never fails to crack me up…) (here’s a vid compilation)

  11/12/06 9:03 pm

The best of… Cops breaking up parties

YouTube playlist. Sorry to post more boring home vids, but this is something I really wanted to see, the crowd dynamics.. Different moods in each. The mundane/peaceful ones are really wierd and awkward. (*Beware that I put in a couple that are particularly intense/hard to watch…)

  11/10/06 6:21 pm

Throne and ottoman

itd be sweet if all the computers were actually turned on :)

  11/7/06 4:16 pm

How to download YouTube videos and convert them into normal movie files

It’s really easy.. Do it before GoogleTube gets sued and yanks your favorites. (maybe we should start a collection in the secret stash?)

*EDIT!!!: this tutorial is worthless, because this awesome online converter exists! Just copy and paste URL! (via)

  11/3/06 1:49 pm

Laz Rojas is a genius

A scene from my comedy screenplay “Flakes”, taken from my one-man demo tape in which I portray over 100 characters in scenes from my screenplays. Written, performed, directed, produced, and edited by me.

On YouTube, he has a bunch of clips from this incredible demo tape, and some interesting Los Angeles nature videos. The one man acting thing seems like a gimmick at first, but it starts to bend your mind… His homepage also has some cool Star Trek pixel art, and Wolfenstein 3D scenarios amoung other things (this stuff earns him major Internets credibility..) I really can’t believe how multi-talented this guy is!! It’s so exciting! Check out his cast of characters by clicking “Acting.”


  10/30/06 3:56 pm

Index of /secret

So I found a bunch of secret open directories by searching on Google. It’s pretty funny the array of stuff people are stashing away, and nothing’s too scandalous (well the first one is wierd, but so is its main domain — eep!) Drawings of Sonic the hedgehog, random pictures, porno junk, passwords (?!)… My favorite is this band has some sample MP3′s on their main website, but in their /secret directory they keep the whole album! Man, Google goes wherever it wants.

Also was just searching for any open directories, which I find to be really magical (in their plain-ness).. Here’s a search for open directories with JPGs. To search for other stuff just change the first word in the search box (to “midi” or “dogs” or something.)

Finally, searched for “Untitled Document”, which, with 66,800,000 results, I’d bet is the most popular website title of all time :-)

  10/27/06 12:18 pm

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