
Incredible MIDIs


  4/29/07 11:19 pm

South Dakota Fanning

  4/29/07 7:50 pm



  4/29/07 6:15 pm

A WOMAN’S VEIL OF PROTECTION FROM WIFI, CELLPHONES: Sensitivity to electrical appliances, electromagnetic waves…

“she ordered, from the internet, some special rolls of foil wallpaper and a fabric called Swiss bobbinet – a netting made from polyester filaments dipped in silver.”

“Is Wi-Fi going to turn out to be the tobacco, asbestos or Thalidomide of the 21st century? It’s looking that way.”

*my vote for person least likely to be invited into nasty nets 2007

  4/28/07 1:03 pm


Ultimate Flash Face

  4/27/07 11:07 pm


  4/26/07 9:15 pm

  4/26/07 12:42 pm

  4/26/07 10:28 am

more marquee fun

Worked on this with my friend Andrew Fiorillo..

  4/26/07 8:56 am


Hey everybody, I need some animated pearl gifs for a nasty nets secret project….

Lets keep em around 50px square.

  4/25/07 9:08 am

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