
hokey white people

  11/20/06 12:02 am

All of the phony names from spam emails that I have recieved this month as a rockyou textpix slideshow

Create Your Own!

  11/13/06 2:05 am

star wars text on youtube

  11/10/06 3:52 pm

b. 1968
Untitled (Skull), 2000

  11/2/06 6:52 pm

freaky psychic radio interference

As a sucker for hokey mysticism I generally get very excited when I come across a radio show psychic. I was in the car the other day and heard these wonderful interference noises during a psychic radio segment on a GLT public radio talk show, so LA! podcast link
It is really becomes very strange and quite beautiful. It is also so funny when the psychic says that this sort of thing happens to her a lot when she does radio shows.

  11/2/06 12:22 am

Create Your Own!

  10/31/06 10:12 pm

Robert Mapplethorpe photograph of Derrick Cross from 1982

Famous Jordan Wings poster from 1990

  10/30/06 11:34 pm

Widescreen negative space

When I was living in Richmond, VA I had endless amounts of time to devote to obsessive activities, i.e. cross-stitching. I also had cable TV. I spent a good 4 months channel surfing in search of advertisements and shows shot on widescreen or 16:9 that place product identity in the negative space.

Click for a slide show with more of these stills
Here is a short documentary thing that I made about this trend.

  10/28/06 9:17 pm

your sudoku is solved

December 25th of last year I posted what I thought was “the hardest sudoko ever” on my chillsesh.

Eight months later I recieved this email.

  10/25/06 12:27 am

Earthlink telemarketer

  10/22/06 2:32 pm

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