
2 new Nasty Nets pages!!

Announcing 2 new pages made for & hosted by the Nasty Nets!:

  10/18/06 9:31 pm

keyboard kid

  10/18/06 10:12 am


  10/18/06 9:33 am


  10/17/06 8:31 pm

sped up bob dylan karaoke file

(.kar karaoke files are .midi files with text lyrics embedded into them….!!)

  10/17/06 1:24 am


black and white tapes…

mixed tapes

  10/15/06 6:37 pm

the peanut gallery

YouTube Comments on The One That Got Away

  10/15/06 6:27 pm

duct homunculus

duct homunculus hanging

  10/15/06 3:10 pm

3d architectural renderings w/ chilin clip art people

I really like it when architects put people into their 3d renderings of buildings, like some prophetic vision of what the future will be like, virtual people just hanging out in the planned building. I especially like it when they post these images in front of the actual construction sites. For the most part the people are just photographic 2d clipart plopped onto less-than-photo-real 3d renderings, which is why they look so awesome. (I’ll throw a couple more I’ve found into the secret stash…)

  10/6/06 1:03 am


I ran into this awesome looking thumbnail on YouTube or Yahoo video search… looks like their automated system chose a frame right in the middle of a transition or something

  10/5/06 11:58 pm

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