
Photos of Dr Zizmor Ads

Dr. Z is a New York dermatologist with massive subway ad coverage. Everyone loves the ads. I found these photos via Google. Check out the bottom one–it appeared quite a while after 9/11.






  1/5/07 10:42 pm

Quiet Stiff


trek - cuddling

Joel and Guthrie noted this collection of found pics and web junk on the nastynets del.icio.us page. Wish it had a calendar or something but it rewards a lot of “next page” clicking. Really good taste in net ephemera/weirdness on display here. An eye that even Charles Saatchi could envy if…oh never mind.

  12/18/06 5:27 pm

Scared Sh*tless of Santa


“Children scared of Santa” photos – Xmas microgenre?

A few more pics, links here.

Just realized that they’re all collected in a gallery.

  12/15/06 5:34 pm

Cheerleader collision


  12/9/06 10:54 am

chair theft

Perp walks off with chairs from apartment lobby at 140 East 40th Street, NY:

(via Curbed)

  12/4/06 10:07 am


Yes, diapercakes. (via mnobody on sally mckay’s blog)

  12/1/06 10:48 am

digital pogs–collect em, ponder em

Mike’s collection.

These are interesting to think of as a different kind of avatar model. If you look at avatars dredged up by something like the LiveJournal icon-scraper they’re all rectangular. As an artist, working with the circular format makes you think about different content issues–what kind of subject matter lends itself best to this form? (Cameos for portraits, views through viewfinders and portholes, etc.)
Down side: they require more steps to make than rectangles. Also, not every viewing situation respects the GIF’s command to transparencize the area outside the circle–if that doesn’t happen, the effect is blown.
And more: how do you kick people’s asses and get all their pogs with the digital version?

  11/21/06 5:31 pm

Popsicle Twins

Have You Got a Nickel? (aka the Popsicle Twins) [YouTube]
This got the Gong Show kicked off NBC. Somehow I missed this bit of TV history. (via schwarz)

Update: New link – quality not as good.

  11/6/06 11:18 pm

grinning thing


artist unknown – found on LJ

  10/31/06 9:28 am

stop-motion bacon


Stop-motion bacon (artist unknown) [1.5 MB .GIF]

Not sure what the message is, but despite what appears to be the word “You” it’s possible it’s Russian, since it came from LiveJournal (which, BTW, I’m told by someone knowledgeable has become the “Russian mass media”).

  10/25/06 6:03 am

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