

  10/5/07 5:00 am

Hello! I am tired today. I am nice girl that would like to chat with you. Email me at spam@marisaolson.com only, because I am writing not from my personal email. If you would like to see my pictures.

  10/2/07 10:33 am



  10/1/07 1:41 pm

  9/29/07 6:29 am

breaking: old news

  9/27/07 7:22 am

  9/22/07 1:36 pm

rainbow bite

thx for reminding me u fuckin rainbow!

  9/20/07 8:41 am

computer artist

  9/17/07 1:26 pm

Call For Slides

Charles Broskoski and Marisa Olson would like to have your participation in an Internet Slideshow lecture. Please send a jpg of 750 pixels high and 1200 pixels wide to internetslideshow@gmail.com. This slide should somehow address the past, present, or future of the internet. Our extraordinary friend Thomas Galloway will compile the images into a slideshow and Cab and Marisa will give a lecture about the internet (an Internet Slideshow, if you will), without having seen the images. Later, the compiled slideshow will be stored on Nasty Nets and anyone can use it for their own internet-related lectures… Please participate! Also, shoutout to Seecoy. He wanted to do an exquisite corpse PowerPoint at the sleepover and it never came to be, but it inspired this idea for us so, hey. Out-shouts. Anyway, the images should be sent by the end of the month. But please don’t send more than one per person. Thank you!!!!

  9/12/07 9:01 pm

;_; today in new york ;_;

hoping for a bit of this soon…

and maybe even a lil of this…

  9/11/07 8:48 am

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