

  12/3/06 10:49 pm

pussycat dolls “beep” fan remake videos

  12/3/06 10:13 pm

Dionne From Beyond

She’s come a long way, since Solid Gold…

Put your eye up to her peephole.

  12/3/06 7:58 pm

Reunion 2005

  12/2/06 12:28 am

in-camera collages?

Lion King photo blog

Lee Friedlander

  12/1/06 5:57 pm


Yes, diapercakes. (via mnobody on sally mckay’s blog)

  12/1/06 10:48 am

E.T. I Love You

I first heard “So Near and Yet So Far” about a year and a half ago. My friend Javier put it on a mix tape and it quickly became one of my favorite songs. It is from a kids record by the Starlight Children’s Chorus that was made to cash in on the E.T. craze of the 80′s. I have been looking for an mp3 of this song on the internet for a year with no luck…thankfully Javier stumbled across a copy online and posted it to his del.icio.us so now I can get my fix whenever times get tough. There is more info on the record here.

via cybersex

  11/29/06 2:41 pm

Renewing Your Vows

not sure

You can get kind of jaded looking at a million crazy pictures on the internet, but every once in a while you find something like this and you get butterflies in your stomach and it’s like the first time you heard about Google Image Search.

(image via Stephen Olson)

  11/29/06 11:46 am

RIP, Dr. G…

  11/28/06 10:13 pm

found logo

  11/28/06 9:59 pm

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