

  10/11/07 11:08 am

the last one. (google reaching out to me)

  10/11/07 2:16 am

Did you know that Robert Longo directed Johnny Mnemonic?

  10/10/07 2:34 pm

the place we will go when we die

  10/10/07 12:24 am

ode to william tell

  10/9/07 6:59 pm

Memory of a Free Festival Virtual Boat Ride

  10/9/07 1:41 pm



From the Erdős–Bacon number wikipedia page:

An individual’s ErdÅ‘s–Bacon number is the sum of one’s ErdÅ‘s number—which measures the “collaborative distance” in authoring mathematical papers between that individual and Hungarian mathematician Paul ErdÅ‘s—and one’s Bacon number—which represents the number of links, through roles in films, by which the individual is separated from actor Kevin Bacon.

Danica McKellar, Winnie Cooper from The Wonder Years, has an Erdős–Bacon number of 6.

  10/8/07 9:44 pm

  10/8/07 9:16 pm

poms waiting to surf.

  10/8/07 4:35 pm

60′s Sports Rap

featuring Sean “SS Killa” and BK “Broiler”

  10/8/07 1:18 pm

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