
Rauschenberg, Pelican

rauschenberg pelican

Just finished reading Calvin Tomkins’ bio of Robert Rauschenberg, Off the Wall. Rauschenberg is a god of mine. A complete artistic wild man–a force of nature. He channeled chaos and the irrational and somehow processed it into very beautiful art. In the above performance, Pelican, he made these circular sail things for his and the other male performer’s back, and the two rolled around on roller skates with a famous ballet dancer of the time. At one point the two men lifted her off the floor and carried her around while they were skating. It all seems very elegant in this black and white photo but if you think about it, it’s just nuts. He had this uncanny sense of “fuck it, let’s try it” and more often than not made it work.

I forget where this picture came from–some Rauschenberg site.

  8/24/06 9:29 pm

title unknown


from my eyebeam reBlogging days (2004) …the caption is “Fresh Stuff…from Kryot.” the link to Wooster Collective is dead so that’s all I know about this image.

  8/24/06 9:05 pm

Tagged from del.icio.us

1 new items:

  8/24/06 12:19 am

wikipedia hacker image

every item in this picture is perfect.

  8/22/06 1:02 pm

YO! who let the ferrets out??????????

ferrets need to be watched.

  8/22/06 7:47 am

Miami bass – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Originally by pupsintrouble from del.icio.us/pupsintrouble on 08/14/06


i put the number in my phone and am going next time i decide 2 eat the big apple!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally by pupsintrouble from del.icio.us/pupsintrouble on 08/6/06

YouTube – PLASTIKMAN : Spastik Spaz (X-MIX 03)

in the future when we try to describe the 1990s to people, we just need to show them this……

Originally by cory_arcangel from del.icio.us/cory_arcangel on 08/20/06

Goth day at Disneyland photos

Cory Doctorow:

Yesterday I had the great pleasure of attending the eighth Bats Day in the Fun Park goth day at Disneyland, California. Thousands of goths of various stripes attended, and posed for group photos and did a gang ride of the Haunted Mansion (there were other off-site events that I missed). It was a hoot. There’s something simultaneously loving and subversive about the Bats Day attendees, and the cognitive dissonance of these black thunderclouds of goth riders amidst the bright-colored Southern California crowd was especially delicious.

My Flickr batsday photos, All Flickr batsday photos

Official batsday.net photos

Originally from Boing Boing on 08/21/06

Back-Catalog: My Music and Animation Blogs


My animation log (updated in clumps).

My (mostly) music blog (as in, my tunes–up to about 170 now, including collaborations and alternate versions).

Originally by tom moody from Tom Moody on 08/21/06

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