

this is an edited version of this gif

  11/27/07 6:39 pm

what might have been…

journey to nasty

  11/12/07 12:18 pm

  11/5/07 2:14 am




  11/1/07 2:40 pm

  10/22/07 7:38 pm


so i watch alot of tv shows and movies online. probably way too much. i have some friends who have told me they want to watch too much tv and movies online as well. here is where i go for the goods….

http://quicksilverscreen.com – this site is pretty good overall. the forums are invaluable if you are trying to do something like watch the new harry potter movie the night it premieres.
http://www.tv-links.co.uk/ – one of the better sites for tv shows. they link to alot of tv shows that are uploaded on asian video sharing sites such as ouou, and tudou. This can sometimes mean slower download speeds, but much less content is removed due to copyright. these guys are very good at fixing dead links and keeping on top of new content. (this site is currently down, could be server problems or it might have finally been taken down)
http://www.videolemon.com – videolemon is sort of a movie links site search engine. it tends to link certain sites that have lots of dead links though.
http://www.movie6.net – just ok
http://www.openflv.com – this site allows users to make a playlist from multiple video sharing sites. the videos are then reskinned with the openflv player. this is a often a good place for tracking down older movies.
http://www.peekvid.com – this is a tv/movie links site. they were one of the first media links sites to try to have a commercial appeal. the design of this site bothers me so I only use it as a last resort.

Do not get discouraged with dead links… they are the name of the game these days. A year ago content might have stayed online for a month or two before being taken. Now its not unusual for things to be taken down within hours of being posted. when you can’t find something theres always bittorrent.

  10/19/07 12:16 pm

what you got?

I challenge y’all to a race! I am sure not to win, but I thought it would be cool to see which nasty netter is the fastest typer.

Go here to test yourself, and post your score in the comments. It would be neat to see nasty nets users’ and readers’ speeds.

I type 79 wpm.

p.s. when i was searching for a good typing test I found a pretty fun site.

  10/15/07 1:03 am

  10/2/07 11:48 pm

h1 having fun

h2 feeling blue

h3 nothings free

h4 what a bore!

h5 talkin’ jive

h6 pick up chicks
  9/19/07 1:18 pm

premise of footloose naturally occurring on facebook

  9/10/07 2:33 pm

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