
  3/2/10 10:48 am

How to Get Radical: 8 steps – wikiHow

#1 Be awesome. If your doing something, that isn’t your not living.

#2 Do thing’s people say is stupid or dangerous, do it without getting hurt. Prove them wrong. After you do it say “that was radical”.

#3 If your bored you should think of crazy things you can do.

#4 Try new things, overcome your fears, try and be the best.

#5 A radical vocabulary, search for inspiration everywhere, make random things your trademark quote for a while. Change it up every few weeks. A few good ones are “get rad” “butteryass” “get money, get paid” “beast”, find your own that is part of being radical.

#6 Be the best in your own way.

#7 Earn respect for being a beast.

#8 Get money, get paid, son!

  2/25/10 9:29 am



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i will not make any more boring art.

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doopee time


  2/11/10 6:38 pm

if you can type

  2/2/10 12:49 pm

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