
porn pic see

Sorry to report JMB’s pic-see concept has been appropriated by the Adult industry. (Maybe it already existed but this is the first time I’d seen it.) Today I discovered a folder of fairly innocuous abstract drawings in a, yes, open directory on my site, that were displayed using a pic-see-like utility. The eight images were displayed in a table, but instead of links back to the images, each drawing was a link to an Adult site. (The same Adult site, in fact.) At the top of the page were animated GIFs of *ss-f*cking, g*gging, etc. If this persists I’ll close the directories–there hasn’t been any reason to before. No link to that shite. Has anyone else seen this?

  12/23/07 10:17 am


Can we see the link Tom? Maybe another net artist havin a laugh?

- kevin — 12/23/07 @ 1:18 pm

I just emailed you the link (also JMB, and I’ll send it anyone else who wants a look). Whether it’s real or a gag I hate to reward the creator with a public link.

- tom moody — 12/23/07 @ 1:33 pm

Definitely not a gag. It looks to me like the same idea as picsee, except it generates income by making each image result into a porn site link. Funny that Marisa’s comment on JMB’s original post refers to picsee as a “potential money maker” — whoever made this actually figured out how to make money off an image scraping utility.

- kevin — 12/23/07 @ 2:13 pm

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