
Watching other people surf

Hey, everyone.. so recently I’m really into YouTube, & been doing some intense searching. I’m collecting videos of other people surfing the Internet, which I find to be strangely compelling. Actually, they’re all pretty boring and you’ll definitely be skipping around a lot if you watch them – recording yourself surfing the internet is always pretty damn pointless – yet some of them are eerily personal, their quietness… (?) I like the “over the shoulder” viewpoint. (BTW, I’d like to whine that rearranging the order of a YouTube playlist is really, really cumbersome..)

I’ve also been searching for some good video game video captures (like people playing Warcraft, etc.), but haven’t really found what I’d hoped would be out there. I really want to see just normal unedited stuff, with the original sound, and the players talking to eachother (kind of like the Leeeroy Jenkins video, but more mundane… everything I find is just dumb music videos and stuff like that..) (Any of you seen what I’m looking for?) Actually I did find this, which is really strange looking, using some kind of 3d face controls to make characters sing…

  10/3/06 7:07 pm



“a bored rogue. in the middle of…WTF”

- jmb — 10/4/06 @ 1:05 pm

wow that’s pretty great
i like the attitude he has in the comments “psh, i found the end of the world? I dont know?”

- guthrie — 10/4/06 @ 1:09 pm

hello! I filmed when I was playing a computer slider puzzle called “universal slider” it is there:


- pierre — 10/9/06 @ 10:11 am

I’ve been really into this guy named Miami390′s youtube account. He always takes screen captures of streaming video news about Miami. I am really into this slideshow that he made with photobucket vbideo of the booby boys gang.

- joel — 10/10/06 @ 10:01 pm

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