
r. p. g. paint (2004)

so, uh, I made this Flash game back in 2004 (never told any of you about it because I was trying to abandon this gradient style [and coding computer games in flash is def. not cool])… ok, it’s not really a game, i hate computer games… it’s half photoshop/half rpg… hybrid.. just drag things around and use the paintbucket tool on everything (incl. yourself) and make things look nice. collect jewels to reveal new toolbar buttons that do wacky things (x-ray eyes button, gradient rainbow thunder tool, etc)


(and, yeh, you can also use the arrow keys to control your guy, but using the hand tool is more fun)
(lots of weird bugs in there, try erasing things, or just reload if it totally breaks down :])

  12/5/07 5:23 pm

Blog pwn3d by ImageShack

  12/5/07 1:48 pm

The painter and the musician do not imitate the animal, they become-animal at the same time as the animal becomes what they willed, at the deepest level of their concord with Nature. For not only do animals have colors and sounds, but they do not wait for the painter or musician to use those colors and sounds in a painting or music.

click for video
  12/5/07 2:33 am

2001 music videos (playlist)

been collecting re-soundtracked beginning and ending sequences of 2001: a space odyssey which have been uploaded to youtube… highlights: blue oyster cult, orbital, pink floyd (duh), bowie (duh duh), TOOL (?), “block rockin’ beats” (??), the theme from “superman”..

  12/5/07 1:20 am


  12/5/07 12:14 am

Guess Who!

I highly, highly encourage you to click through the pages of the awesome Guess Who Gallery!

  12/4/07 10:55 am

i’m sorry but i can’t get enough of this

Hurry, only 21 days until Christmas!

  12/4/07 4:45 am

↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ← → ← → B A

  12/3/07 11:13 pm

Is it just me, or did Google add BMP as an option to Google Advanced Image Search?

  12/3/07 8:47 am

willie the warlock

can’t get this out of my head. by Billy Q. Effinger

  12/3/07 12:18 am

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