
salvador dali parton


  12/25/06 11:42 pm

E.T. I Love You

I first heard “So Near and Yet So Far” about a year and a half ago. My friend Javier put it on a mix tape and it quickly became one of my favorite songs. It is from a kids record by the Starlight Children’s Chorus that was made to cash in on the E.T. craze of the 80′s. I have been looking for an mp3 of this song on the internet for a year with no luck…thankfully Javier stumbled across a copy online and posted it to his del.icio.us so now I can get my fix whenever times get tough. There is more info on the record here.

via cybersex

  11/29/06 2:41 pm

sondra prill – nasty boys

Sondra Prill “queen of the Tampa Public Access airwaves in the early 90′s” with her cover of nasty boys. YouTube user SondraPrill has a collection of 24 Sondra Prill clips with many more classic covers.

  11/8/06 3:43 pm

qtvr prototype for future project

  11/6/06 5:29 pm

i’m on your del.icio.us

all proceeds go to the nasty nets homepage preservation fund

  10/23/06 11:32 pm

on the chopping block

So this is the new MPAA approved copyright merit badge for boy scouts.
link to article.

  10/21/06 7:43 pm

google analytics peace sign

  10/5/06 8:17 pm

homework via youtube

You know that the days of humankind are numbered when teachers start delivering their homework assignments via youtube.

we are all doomed

  10/1/06 12:15 pm

  9/14/06 12:02 am


LHOOQ is an experimental performance art work created by the 2004 Theatre III Company, inspired by the life, art, and philosophy of Marcel Duchamp. It is a darkly hilarious, twistedly thought-provoking, and unabashedly naughty romp that uses classic works of the American Theatre as a springboard for outrageous reflections through a distinctly cracked glass. This show is a wild trip through an upside-down art gallery — a playful collage of scenes, songs, dances, and dramatic experiments that explore the fundamental relationship between Man and Woman, between the artist and the audience. Expect the unexpected!

This is a photo of a high school play about Marcel Duchamp written and performed by students of “Concord Academy”. This image always makes me smile. There are a bunch of strange photos in the gallery.

Link to the LHOOQ photo gallery
Link to the LHOOQ info page

  9/12/06 3:30 pm

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