


  4/25/07 7:37 am


  4/24/07 7:11 am


  4/17/07 4:38 pm

you are not alone

  4/15/07 5:09 pm

  4/13/07 8:44 am

body talk

via a christian glitters webring…

  4/8/07 7:12 am

good versus evil


  4/5/07 10:37 pm

Still dragging, still dropping…

I’ve had a little problem with binging and purging….

In an attempt to do something productive with my internet image addiction, I started a Flickr set called IMG_FAN. Now that there are over 500 images there, I thought I’d say something. Like…

“Hello, my name’s Marisa and I’m a jaypegandgiff addict.”

  4/5/07 1:00 pm

not sl4ck3r enuff?

The Deletion Log from Slackerpedia Galactica, a site which thusly describes itself:

The goal of SG is to create an astronomy-themed version of Wikipedia, but in Slacker Astronomy style! That is, create factual pages on astronomical topics, but loaded with humor, jokes, cheesieness and the absurd.

  3/27/07 3:49 pm

Testify to the burning unicorn!

In further testimony to the fact that “Art shall, Art can, Art must…. testifies from nothing, however!,” the same “autodidactic, educating contemporary artists” (Stahl & Farbe) that brought us Steel-Portrait-Charles Saatchi

…now bring us The Horse On Is Burning, a custom-welded sand-filled unicorn. Rocking in a fire.

An eternal flame, perhaps…

  3/27/07 3:37 pm

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