
tj request..

guthrie requested this one…so i’m throwing it out there for him…it’s a slow jam.

also…how amazing would it be to have a tube jockey battle????? Who needs VJs when you can have TJs (tube jockeys)?

  3/7/07 9:39 pm


man when we watched this the other night i was pretty blown away and every time i watch it i just get more freaked out

- petra — 3/7/07 @ 10:03 pm

a couple of times, when friends have returned from internet absences, a youtube dj battle has ensued amongst other friends, with bragging rights going to the all star who had the greatest number of great videos

- Jeff S — 3/7/07 @ 10:23 pm

these videos by Kathleen Daniel are really incredible, I’ve been watching them all day. yes they’re totally terrifying, there’s something so personal and intense about them, the music too… i really can’t get over how amazing they are. tom moody talks a bit about it, and here is her main website which has some links to tons of stuff she’s made, including some more narrative (non-music) videos

i dont know if im ready to talk about this yet.
part of the awesomeness is how there’s a lot of funny stuff, but none of the witty smart ass-erry that would make it completely obnoxious

Thanks TJ Pups!!

- guthrie — 3/8/07 @ 12:58 am

Thanks Guthrie!

Here is Kathleen’s myspace where you can stream her whole album (which is so good and mindblowing. “Like I said” is probably one of my favorite songs of all time now.) Complete Sun Ra meets Luther Vandross Underwater Garageband Awesomeness.

Yeah, i totally agree with you Guthrie the work is so honest and exciting and strange it totally just blows me away every time I see it. It really operates on the same plane with the best folk art.

- pupsintrouble — 3/8/07 @ 11:54 am

ive been thinking, lets do some tube jockey battles… we’ll split the page down the center into 2 frames and 1 person gets each side


- guthrie — 3/13/07 @ 2:43 pm

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