


related: “work it, baby!

  6/20/07 12:28 pm


extensible cluster

thx to charles westerman

  6/10/07 9:58 pm

msn mix

reblogged from cpb::softinfo :: Weblog:

“French DJ star and Ibiza icon David Guetta has collaborated with chat software MSN to write a tune with MSN’s ‘most famous sounds.’ The result is an ode to the the MSN triolet with a lot of background club wavy sounds. Weird and terribly pop.”


[I like the music--shades of clown staples' windows noises from a while back but a "heavy" mix. The graphics are pretty funny too: Hello! Ca Va? Blablabla --tm]

  6/10/07 12:09 pm

more early ’90s amiga style

“Within the Ether” [55 .MB .mov]

Music and video: X-eleven, Dallas


  5/29/07 4:49 pm



  5/28/07 10:18 am



Los Gauchos de Acero: Paranoid [YouTube]

Los Gauchos de Acero blog

  5/24/07 9:55 am

more doris

doris norton 2

doris norton – automatic feeling

“digital mundial” reminds me a bit of the Art of Noise midi Travis posted

[update: link removed, mp3blogging style]

  5/15/07 4:18 pm

whew, that’s one manimal down, four moonwalkers to go

surfer with pools

“no offense guys, but teh autoplay drives me crazy”

  5/1/07 1:46 pm

doris norton

from Mutant Sounds. haven’t d/l’ed yet but the cover merits a post.

doris norton

another doris norton LP: artificial intelligence

1-The whole was composed and programmed only with the alfanumerical keyboard of the computer. 2- The total of the notes and coded events takes to the number 124.648: of these 123.827 were coded with ‘step time’ procedure and the rest with real time procedure. Having done reduced the keyboard Doris Norton used only an hexaphonic JX.8P with memory processed by her and interfaced to the computer. 3-No drums were used, neither electronic nor much less acoustic. All the rhythmics were obtained by A.D.A. conversions and processing of wave ranges and with the use of expanders with a very special handling of envelopes, frequency, resonance, noise ….. 4-Doris Norton fed the computer the parameters of vowels and consonants of her own voice, like A, O, U, E, D, N, through an A.D.A conversion card; by processing these values and assembling them in phoneme in hundreds of different combination, various compressed resolutions she was able to make the computer sing a complete song in a totally human way (with the voice of Doris). 5-Many other yxith sounds resulting from A.D.A. conversions are present in this new album ‘Artificial Intelligence’, amongst these: pipe organ, plate, electric discharge, iron beat, birds, dog, harp, woods …… all sampled and handled by the computer. ‘Artificial Intelligence’ is a perfect example of how human intelligence can bend the coded ‘artificial intelligence’ to its own will. …..” (Source: ComputerMusik -1985)

still haven’t listened–I like the overdetermined explanation, though.

  4/22/07 10:01 am

the new FF looks great–here is a still


  4/22/07 9:45 am

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