
porn pic see

Sorry to report JMB’s pic-see concept has been appropriated by the Adult industry. (Maybe it already existed but this is the first time I’d seen it.) Today I discovered a folder of fairly innocuous abstract drawings in a, yes, open directory on my site, that were displayed using a pic-see-like utility. The eight images were displayed in a table, but instead of links back to the images, each drawing was a link to an Adult site. (The same Adult site, in fact.) At the top of the page were animated GIFs of *ss-f*cking, g*gging, etc. If this persists I’ll close the directories–there hasn’t been any reason to before. No link to that shite. Has anyone else seen this?

  12/23/07 10:17 am

accomplished aggravated amused angry annoyed anxious apathetic artistic awake bitchy blah blank bored bouncy busy calm cheerful chipper cold complacent confused contemplative content cranky crappy crazy creative crushed curious cynical depressed determined devious dirty disappointed discontent distressed ditzy dorky drained drunk ecstatic embarrassed energetic enraged enthralled envious exanimate excited exhausted flirty frustrated full geeky giddy giggly gloomy good grateful groggy grumpy guilty happy high hopeful horny hot hungry hyper impressed indescribable indifferent infuriated intimidated irate irritated jealous jubilant lazy lethargic listless lonely loved melancholy mellow mischievous moody morose naughty nauseated nerdy nervous nostalgic numb okay optimistic peaceful pensive pessimistic pissed off pleased predatory productive quixotic recumbent refreshed rejected rejuvenated relaxed relieved restless rushed sad satisfied scared shocked sick silly sleepy sore stressed surprised sympathetic thankful thirsty thoughtful tired touched uncomfortable weird working worried

  12/21/07 11:59 pm

there is no melody accordion can’t ennoble

  12/21/07 1:12 pm


  12/21/07 12:09 pm

From a Baby Names List

  12/21/07 11:30 am


  12/20/07 2:09 pm

Lab Watch

  12/20/07 10:53 am

  12/20/07 12:14 am

internet passover


Change the font color of the title in your first post to red by SUN DEC 23 @ 12:01am PST and your first post will live.

  12/20/07 12:07 am

social sculpture

  12/19/07 4:53 pm

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