

  11/5/07 9:18 pm

flickr tagawards

You have been invited to add this wonderful picture to
Kissable Kats ~ Post Invited Images Only!
**Please Read Group Rules**

Please add the tag “kissablekat”

hey i am starting a collection of flickr awards/invitations/special tags here. if you have come accross any in your flickr browsing, please let me know. i can’t believe how many groups there are on flickr, and how loose the criteria to be featured in one of them are. it seems like most of the time it’s a picture that features an award and not a group that features a pic ; the groups look for recognition while they act as if they distribute means of recognition. i really like the “i sniffed out this pic” ones because of this, but really all of them are cool.

  11/5/07 9:50 am


  11/5/07 8:30 am

  11/5/07 2:14 am

a scroll-bar-scroller

almost five years ago, i used a web tutorial to help me carefully compose a colorful ie-only css scrollbar to match my colorful web page.

property of blahblahblah! this is the scrollbar arrow

arrow document content occurs here

the best diagram is the “quick reference” image on this tutorial — “if it looks confusing, it may be because it is.” there’s even special software for creating them.

  11/5/07 2:05 am




  11/4/07 10:31 pm

wave hello to frosted glass (jambo)

  11/4/07 12:22 pm

  11/4/07 11:56 am

girl scout cookies

.girlscouts.org TRUE / FALSE 1193616992 __utmb 27679274
.goshop.girlscouts.org TRUE / FALSE 1256687334 __utma 101237527.1513269399.1193615335.1193615335.1193615335.1
goshop.girlscouts.org FALSE / FALSE 1193701734 Commerce_TestPersistentCookie TestCookie
.girlscouts.org TRUE / FALSE 1256687183 __utma 27679274.1344540838.1193615183.1193615183.1193615183.1
.goshop.girlscouts.org TRUE / FALSE 1193617169 __utmb 101237527
.goshop.girlscouts.org TRUE / FALSE 1209383334 __utmz 101237527.1193615335.1.1.utmccn=(referral)|utmcsr=girlscouts.org|utmcct=/who_we_are/|utmcmd=referral
.girlscouts.org TRUE / FALSE 1209383183 __utmz 27679274.1193615183.1.1.utmccn=(organic)|utmcsr=google|utmctr=girlscout|utmcmd=organic

  11/4/07 10:11 am

Taco Bell Hot Sauce Packet Museum

  11/4/07 12:20 am

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