Fanmail for homepage authors
A while ago, I decided to write some fanmail to the authors of my favorite homepages…
I sent one to the creator of the My Most Boring Dreams website (which is hilariously boring, and just looks perfect – its brevity and isolation…) I guessed the author’s email from the URL, and his response was interesting because it goes so perfectly with his dreams & the layout of his website:
You know, I haven’t had any that boring for a while now, and I’m kind of disappointed. Glad you enjoy the one that are there, and thanks for the email! When I have more boring dreams I will post them.
(I really love that there are only 3 dreams on the website, and all their exact dates are vague… sort of resembles a handmade blog.)
No one else that I emailed really replied, which I was very bummed about – but I still really want to make some kind of connection with my fave homepage authors… it’s possible a lot of their email addresses are outdated. I did contact Marco Melanson on Myspace about buying one of his paper records, but he said that he was too busy to make any for me.
Later, Steve DeGroof, the author of a homepage that I included in one of my lectures found my lecture online by googling his own name… This ominous picture of me standing in front of a huge projection of his homepage is the first image that comes up when you google his name! That would freak me out too. He was concerned that maybe I was featuring his website as an example of bad design or something like that. I told him that I loved his website’s how-to’s & its simple style, and he seemed to be cool with it.