
hey, have u guise herd about this album, iguess it’s getting pretty popular on the internets

  10/17/07 1:21 pm

New iChat Technique

  10/16/07 4:26 pm

  10/16/07 3:26 pm

russian very early animation (maybe the sound should be turned off on this… ?)

  10/16/07 1:26 pm

  10/16/07 12:57 pm

take that giacometti

  10/16/07 11:55 am

baby, you have a possibility

  10/16/07 7:09 am

Here’s Brandon doing a funky palm spin variant at UC Berkeley!

  10/15/07 7:44 pm


just got a really good CD of WMFs called KEY Mega ClipArt 15,000 CD-ROM for Windows 95 on eBay

  10/15/07 2:48 pm

what you got?

I challenge y’all to a race! I am sure not to win, but I thought it would be cool to see which nasty netter is the fastest typer.

Go here to test yourself, and post your score in the comments. It would be neat to see nasty nets users’ and readers’ speeds.

I type 79 wpm.

p.s. when i was searching for a good typing test I found a pretty fun site.

  10/15/07 1:03 am

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