
performance strategies

Ghost Ride The Whip.

“This act involves the driver and/or passengers of any given vehicle exiting while it is still rolling and dancing beside it or on the hood or roof.”

Perhaps this is more commonly done on the West Coast. I had never heard of it until recently. Ghost Riding’s presence and popularity on YouTube is probably going to catalyze some East Coast fatalities.

Ghost Ride The Whip!

  8/25/06 5:32 pm


oh maan… the second guy is way less smooth than the first
(though we dont exactly see how the first guy ends up, huh..)

- guthrie — 8/25/06 @ 5:50 pm

Jmb, this is the awesomeest thing ever. I just sawa a youtube video of someone getting their car stolen while ghost riding the whip. I think it was a staged carjacking though. My friend tells me this is a bay area thing. I wonder what else one could ghost ride?

- joel — 8/28/06 @ 10:36 pm

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