quote from an ebay item description: “…This pedal looks just like the pictures I have posted. It is in decent but not perfect condition. It was made in Japan according to the label. I’m just not into metal anymore….” :o(
— paul 4/7/07 10:45 pm
“There are literally thousands of computer cases on the market which sometimes makes choosing the right computer case quite a task. First and foremost select a computer case that appeals to your personal tastes.” (link)
— guthrie 4/6/07 4:03 pm
I’ve had a little problem with binging and purging….
In an attempt to do something productive with my internet image addiction, I started a Flickr set called IMG_FAN. Now that there are over 500 images there, I thought I’d say something. Like…
“Hello, my name’s Marisa and I’m a jaypegandgiff addict.”
— marisa 4/5/07 1:00 pm
Version: 3.1
GO d->— s++>+++: a- C+++$ U@ P L+ E- W++>+++$ !N !o K–? w+ !O—? !M- V PS+++ PE Y+ !PGP t+>++ 5 X R tv b- DI+++ !D- G e++? h++? r– y+
— travis 4/5/07 7:27 am
An update to the “artist looking at camera” search on GettyImages, check out this new batch of clips, especially the first couple of rows. It starts off with a dude in a suit whipping out his checkbook to buy some painting right off the wall, then some careful art hanging, some shmoozing, then the same cast of characters working in some kind of arty office environment… (I swear to god that GettyImages is secretly some kind of genius art project in itself, reducing life & the whole world to its most basic elements……)
— guthrie 4/4/07 5:28 pm
no idea if this tape is any good–image posted because of some earlier back and forth about that “skull.”
— tom moody 4/3/07 4:12 pm