
finding my feet

hi everyone :)

  9/5/07 1:22 pm


- guthrie — 9/5/07 @ 2:31 pm

sup pbd

- Travis — 9/5/07 @ 4:19 pm

this is real preatty

- charles — 9/5/07 @ 11:41 pm

pbd – welcome. (I just noticed the influx/draft on new NNets folks – wow, pro n00bz)

- Bennett — 9/6/07 @ 8:06 am

Welcome to Nasty Nets Paul!
great video, thanks to the internet i think dancing will re-emerge as a major global cultural force.

- jmb — 9/6/07 @ 12:33 pm


- joel — 9/6/07 @ 6:01 pm

yo, sup, welcome,

- petra — 9/7/07 @ 9:27 am

welcome paul!

- pupsintrouble — 9/10/07 @ 12:54 pm

thanks :)

- pbd — 9/11/07 @ 6:33 pm

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