
grinning thing 2

  11/11/07 6:23 pm


  11/8/07 9:21 pm


This is from a clip from a recording that I posted almost a year ago where an earthlink telemarketer was telling me that I was getting a “watered-down internet” through AT&T.

  11/7/07 7:25 pm

wave hello to frosted glass (jambo)

  11/4/07 12:22 pm

a video about the most important events of the past years, 9-11, Katrina, Iraq, and the death of Dale Earnhardt, the ledgen #3

  10/28/07 11:17 pm

  10/26/07 6:06 pm

Tragic Loss – Patrick Power (September 30, 1969 – October 16, 2007)

My deepest sympathy to the family of an awesome artist and one of the most generous people I’ve ever known. Patrick Power passed away last week. He was a serious Johnny Appleseed of the internet and I can’t pretend that I’d know anything about web2.0 without his knowledge/ my chillsesh wouldnt exist without him. I still look at http://school.patrickpower.com/ when I am unsure about stuff. Im not sure what kind of services will be in either Richmond, VA or Alfred, NY. Patrick is survived by his wife and 5-month old son, Patrick Power 3. Donations for his family can be made on http://forp3.com/ .


  10/21/07 12:12 pm

Pushing Daisies Loop

  10/18/07 5:24 pm

Here’s Brandon doing a funky palm spin variant at UC Berkeley!

  10/15/07 7:44 pm

  10/14/07 11:40 pm

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