

The plot thickens… youtube has recently replaced the “Arts and Animation” category with “Film and Animation”.

  3/5/07 9:46 pm

hamlet’s soliloquy in 13375p34k

H@ML37: 70 b3, 0r N07 70 B3–7h@7 Iz tHe Qu357i0n:
wH37h3r ’7i$ n0bL3R in 7H3 mInD 70 5UfF3R
7H3 5lInG5 @nD @rR0W5 0F 0U7R@G30u5 fOrTuNe
Or 70 7@K3 @Rm$ @G@In$7 @ 53@ 0F 7R0UbL35
@Nd By 0pP0$iNg 3nD 7H3M. 70 dI3, 70 5L33p–
N0 MoRe–AnD bY @ 5L33p 70 5@Y w3 3Nd
7h3 hEaRtAcHe, @nD 7H3 7H0U5@nD NaTuRaL 5H0Ck5
7H@7 fLeSh Iz h3iR 70. ’7i5 @ C0N5UmM@7i0n
D3V0U7Ly 70 B3 wI5H3D. 70 di3, 70 5l33p–
70 5l33P–p3rCh@nC3 70 DrEaM: @y, 7H3R3’5 7h3 RuB,
F0R iN 7h@7 5L33p 0f d3@7h Wh@7 Dr3@M5 M@Y cOmE
wHeN w3 g07z 5HuFfL3D oFf 7Hi$ m0r7@L c0il,
Mu57 giv3 U$ P@U53. 7H3R3’5 7H3 R3$p3c7
7H@7 m@k35 cAlAmItY 0f 50 l0nG lif3.
F0r Wh0 w0uLd B3@r 7h3 whip5 @Nd 5c0rN5 0F 7iM3,
7H’ 0pPr3$50R’$ WrOnG, 7H3 PrOuD m@n’5 cOnTuMeLy
ThE p@nG5 0f D35pI53d l0v3, 7H3 L@W’5 D3L@Y,
7h3 In50L3Nc3 oF 0FfIc3, aNd 7h3 5PuRn5
7H@7 p@7i3n7 m3rI7 oF 7H’ uNw0r7hY 7@k35,
wH3N H3 HiM53lF MiGh7 hi5 qUi37U5 M@K3
Wi7h @ B@R3 B0DkIn? Wh0 w0uLd F@Rd3l5 b3@r,
70 gRuN7 @nD 5W3@7 UnD3R @ w3@Ry lIf3,
Bu7 7H@7 7h3 Dr3@D 0F 50m37HiNg aFtEr d3@7h,
7H3 UnDi$c0v3r3d C0Un7rY, Fr0m Wh053 BoUrN
nO 7r@v3lL3R r37UrN5, pUzZl35 7h3 WiLl,
@Nd M@K35 uS r@7H3R bEaR 7H053 IlL5 w3 h@v3
7H@N FlY 70 oThErS tHaT w3 kn0w n07 0f?
7Hu$ c0n$cI3Nc3 d035 m@k3 c0w@rD$ 0F U5 @Ll,
@Nd 7hU5 7h3 n@7Iv3 Hu3 0F r350lU7I0N
i5 5IcKlI3D 0’3r wI7H 7H3 P@L3 C@57 0f 7h0uGh7,
@nD 3N73rPrI53 0F gR3@7 pi7ch @Nd M0M3N7
Wi7h 7hI5 r3g@rD 7h3iR cUrR3N7$ 7UrN aWrY
aNd LoSe 7h3 NaMe 0f @c7i0n. — sOfT u n0w,
7H3 F@Ir OpHeLiA! — NyMpH, In 7hY 0rI50n5
b3 @Ll mY sInS r3m3mb3r3d.

  2/27/07 11:08 am

movie poster making challenge

movie title = geraldo and maude

any takers?

  2/26/07 12:28 am

pirates of silicon valley 2: birth of the end

The year is 2020…

Microsoft and Apple are on the brink of merging their corporate entities. Behind the scenes Steve Jobs and Bill Gates have become involved in a secretive techno-satanist cult and are genetically engineering an organism that will be grown from a mixture of their DNA. The cursed union of their seed spawns “Bill Jobs” the one foretold to create the ultimate soul crushing operating system, thereby laying waste to all competitors.

Pagan ceremonies ensue…

p.s. the full version of the 1st movie is here on google video if you haven’t seen it. :)

  1/30/07 10:01 pm

K&K Mime

This site has one of the most intense flash intros I have ever seen.
So sit back… let it load… and enter the website.

“Please turn on speakers and enjoy!”

  1/21/07 11:45 pm

  1/19/07 2:12 pm

woe this weight

This is a “poem response video” to THE FUTURE: What Love Is Worth

  1/18/07 10:56 am

unwitting baldessari’s

I don’t know whether or not you are familiar with the website www.hotornot.com. For those who aren’t aware this is what wikipedia has to say about it

Hot or Not is a Rate Me website that allows users to rate the attractiveness of photos submitted voluntarily by others. Photos are approved by a panel of volunteer moderators, who strive to keep the site “fun, clean, and real.”

Everyone wants to feel good about themselves and get the highest peer rating possible so they try to select what they feel is the most attractive photograph of themselves. Oftentimes the most appealing photographs happen to also include friends, family, and ex-lovers. A system had to emerge in order for the general public to know which person in the picture desires a rating. So far there seems to be three general methods for distinguishing oneself; cropping the image, writing “me” and/or drawing an arrow to oneself, and (least commonly) using whatever drawing program is at hand to mark out those unwanted others in the picture. I stumbled upon this fact while working on this. When I started noticing the erasures I soon lost interest in the project I was working on so I abandoned it. I spent a long time looking at as many pictures as I could stand in order to fish out images which were altered by the user. On top of a very appealing gestural quality these images struck me as kind of violent. They are currently split into two collections. The more interesting ones involving hand done erasures are residing here. There were far more images with an arrow or a “me” on them, but those didn’t hold my interest as much. They are resting in a directory here. In case you don’t have the desire to sift through the directory my favorites from the “me” series are 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5

  1/14/07 10:30 pm

dolly zoom


dolly_zoom on wikipedia

  1/9/07 12:40 am

  1/5/07 8:48 am

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