

In concrete, a’d aunt matilda, rather wildly. Piece of open i could even catch the flash of for their megalithic monuments. The dolmen, which pleased with himself. He had lately gained kudos love dining in a whole skin: for my master is ruth came to him at once. About victor drake. His manner unbalanced. ‘it is beyond anything,’ specifies a 100million bit per second data rate. To credit some of the stories, apparently wellattested him. No. I’ve not even been here very much of i wonder what put him into your head.’ ‘funny she stood before him, and her hands had sought held any real interest Most murderers have ben scandals! Libel, vilification, obscene language kyrvach (these men came forth from the confines industrial region and the inflow of agricultural take too many, for god’s sake, marina.’ ‘all fight sure, my leddy, she said. There’s something no myself! All the specialists say so! Mrs. Clapperton who would have light while their enemies would.

  10/23/07 6:25 pm


super nuts! did you make this… find it?

- Travis — 10/23/07 @ 7:52 pm

it was in a spam sent to one of the del.icio.us email addresses that i answer. :) my gmail never gets anything interesting!

- britta — 10/23/07 @ 7:58 pm

oh weird, there’s actually some blink in there that I can’t see??

- Travis — 10/23/07 @ 8:01 pm

love this!!!!!

- seecoy — 10/23/07 @ 8:03 pm

very nice, britta!

- marisa — 10/24/07 @ 8:10 am

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