
YouTube copyleft

So I have been trying all night to upload my latest videos to YouTube with no success.

They keep getting marked as: Failed (unable to convert video file)
I have encoded as jpg, mpg, pixlet and h263..no luck…

I am trying to upload my Hilary, Lindsay and Kelly trilogy, which might have some copyright issues I guess, but YouTube didnt flinch at my Elvis Costello dealie…..(sorry about the music video Guth, it was a long time ago)
they are all under 100 mb and are sweet quicktimes….
Is a real person actually looking at these things?
I thought we were beyond that…..

I am running out of space on my dreamhost acct……and VCU shut off all ports except IP printing so netdotart.com is dead…

kelly trip
5 layers of itunes 7.0 visualizer, luma keyd, synched to the song and stacked..

  10/4/06 8:33 pm


they don’t have the staff to review uploads like that…yet.

great video though!

- jmb — 10/4/06 @ 9:33 pm

Such DRAMA! The moment that the apple logo comes in is totally glorious. It is like itunes becoming aware of itself.

- joel — 10/5/06 @ 11:30 pm

haha, awesome (i love music vids btw!)

- guthrie — 10/6/06 @ 12:09 am

re:uploading to youtube..maybe they have to be a lot smaller than 100mb?
“Is a real person actually looking at these things? I thought we were beyond that…..”
yeah i always wonder that too .. getting a google video approved takes a reallllly long time, what are they doing, debating ? thatd be an interesting job (..for someone wierd like me who does it anyway..)

- guthrie — 10/6/06 @ 12:16 am

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